A good start. I would definitely try to push the stylized look of the concept art. unless you have a poly limit, i'd add geo to the roof and walls to make them more curved. what you have so far feels much thinner / straighter / more upright than what is in the concept. Apart from that, it's a good start.:)
A good start. I would definitely try to push the stylized look of the concept art. unless you have a poly limit, i'd add geo to the roof and walls to make them more curved. what you have so far feels much thinner / straighter / more upright than what is in the concept. Apart from that, it's a good start.:)
Thanks, I'm trying to keep it as low poly as possible. I think I have enough geometry to sag the roof and mess with the walls a bit. I'm in the process of exaggerating the sags and scale of parts of the building. I appreciate the feedback!
New textures for the walls and windows, added a door. I sill need to make a couple more textures. One for the lamp at the top and one for the chimney. All textures are hand painted (I didn't want to use photo sourcing). C&C Appreciated!
Stylistically the textures and details are a LOT bigger, and a lot more bevelled. They use visible brush strokes, and the strokes are much more deliberate and impressionistic.
There also seems to be a LOT more tonal variance. If I squint my eyes a bit, the shingling on the roof looks completely flat.
In WoW you would get more overarching tonal variances.
Also seems like you're missing a lot of saturation in your colours. Usually in WoW the saturation are pretty drastic. Almost like the pallettes you'd see in a disney movie.
I'm starting to wonder the value of guys learning keeping the polycount low at the cost of sacrificing the quality of the art. (Something I've noticed happening more and more).
If this isn't an actual asset going into WoW, but more something for your portfolio, then by all means, add the curves and shapes needed to make it look good. What most game studios are looking for is polygon efficiency, not necessarily low polycounts. If they can SEE you only add the polygons when they're necessary (and not all over the place for no reason) then that's really the only base you'll need to cover in that regard.
Thanks Jacque, that's way more than I expected. I appreciate the time you took to look up all of that reference for me. I guess the reason why I kept if so low poly is because I was trying to emulate what I saw in game. What you're saying does make sense though, no one wants to look at stuff that they've seen before. I'll tweak the poly count and add curves and bevels where it makes sense. And thanks for the art tutorial, I know what I'll be reading for a while!
Thanks, I'm trying to keep it as low poly as possible. I think I have enough geometry to sag the roof and mess with the walls a bit. I'm in the process of exaggerating the sags and scale of parts of the building. I appreciate the feedback!
Stylistically the textures and details are a LOT bigger, and a lot more bevelled. They use visible brush strokes, and the strokes are much more deliberate and impressionistic.
There also seems to be a LOT more tonal variance. If I squint my eyes a bit, the shingling on the roof looks completely flat.
In WoW you would get more overarching tonal variances.
Also seems like you're missing a lot of saturation in your colours. Usually in WoW the saturation are pretty drastic. Almost like the pallettes you'd see in a disney movie.
I'm starting to wonder the value of guys learning keeping the polycount low at the cost of sacrificing the quality of the art. (Something I've noticed happening more and more).
If this isn't an actual asset going into WoW, but more something for your portfolio, then by all means, add the curves and shapes needed to make it look good. What most game studios are looking for is polygon efficiency, not necessarily low polycounts. If they can SEE you only add the polygons when they're necessary (and not all over the place for no reason) then that's really the only base you'll need to cover in that regard.
and p.s.
Your Mega-Man is kicking ass.