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XstreamTech Recruiting For Futuristic FPS


What is TimeLost? :
In the year 2115 civilization breaks down due to a scientific organization that decided the planet would be better with robots to replace humans as slaves. They thought that it would make a massive improvement, they were wrong. Robots started to advance in ways that you couldn’t imagine and began to think like humans, they rebelled and formed an alliance. The government made a special operational team called the USOTA (United States Operational Take Over). You are one of the special ops team which has been selected to locate and infiltrate their base and disguise yourself as one of the robots and foil their plans to take over human kind, You must fight for what is right and destroy anything that is in your way…

Game Modes :
Campaign - Time Lost plans to take you through a indepth campaign storyline and mmersive environments.
Multiplayer - Time Lost Aims to give a different multiplayer experience where you have to use your environment to your advantage. You also earn points to use against your enemies by triggering things around you.
Training Mode - Training Mode is a game mode where you can test out the different weapons in different areas to familiarise yourself with the game.

Who is XstreamTech? :
XstreamTech has been in the gaming industry for a while now, I started out making videos on how to use unreal development kit and get into the gaming industry and they where really successful so now I'm prepared to go one step further and make a fully fledged game, I'm looking for a team that is dedicated to the task to work alongside me on making this concept a reality. Once the project gets into development I will be bring in non disclosure agreements along with royalty share agreements and also we already have a business plan done and can be asked for on request...

Current Task :
XstreamTech is recruiting for a futuristic first person shooter game, We are planning for a late 2012 release. The main goal of the game is to deliver something unique with a detailed storyline and immersive enviroments. It will consist of single player campaign and multilayer. For anyone that wants to join this is a royalty based project where you will be payed based on the amount of work you have done on the project, I am to apply for kickstarter funding in around 1-2 months time once the project gets going. I aim to have regular updates for time lost to keep the game fresh and unique ranging from a new multi player map or weapon every month or so. I have just started off the project and is in planning stages and have a game design document of a few pages with infomation such as storyline to character ideas etc... further information is available on request.

Current Team Members :
Concept Artists 0/3
Writer 1/1
3D artists 2/5
Animator 0/1
Level Designers 0/3
Character Designer 0/2
Sound Artist 2/2
VFX Artist 0/1
Programmers 0/3
UI Artist 1/2
Web Team 1/3

Contact us :
If you would like to apply for one of the positions you can either fill in the recruitment form on my website http://www.xstreamtech.co.uk/recruitment.php or post a message saying you are willing to join and the position below, Also you can contact me on skype my name is "xstreamtech"... Also only reply to this thread with constructive criticism and if you want to apply or not...

Game Progress :
Time Lost is still currently in planning stages and once it gets going I will post concept art,screenshots and make regular videos on how its going... Also you can check out the XstreamTech Facebook wall for regular progress updates https://www.facebook.com/pages/XstreamTech/334262816608058?sk=wall
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