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Rendering with maya / vray causing system slowdown

polycounter lvl 10
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zbrush_newbie polycounter lvl 10
Hi All

I`m running a new(ish) PC with a Intel Core i7-2600K and 8Gb ram and i`m finding rendering in maya is causing the system to go really sluggish (mouse stuttering). So I have to keep turning the program tasks down to low priority in task manager.

Just wondering if other people are finding this or is there some conflict in my setup causing it. I dont seem to recall having problems like this with previous PC`s.




  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    rendering is about the most demanding thing you can do with a computer. Renderers take every bit of power the computer can give them.

    I get this all the time on my computer at work, and thats a Dual CPU Xeon. You just need to learn to live with it. Grab a coffee.. read a book :)
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    ya pretty normal the rendering will take everythign your comp can throw at it.

    if you still want the comp to be somewhat usable.

    you could try finding the render process in the task manager processes tab, and right click and hit "Set Affinity", and uncheck a core or 2.
  • zbrush_newbie
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    zbrush_newbie polycounter lvl 10
    THanks, actually i discovered vray has a low priority setting that sorts it.

    But I do have another external renderer I use that restarts everytime you render so I am forever having to reduce the priority in the task manager.
    I was hopeful that having a new machine may have got rid of these annoyances.
  • zbrush_newbie
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    zbrush_newbie polycounter lvl 10
    Fixed with Process Lasso, it automatically reduces high percentage process to a lower priority to stop system slowdown.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    I was hopeful that having a new machine may have got rid of these annoyances.

    A faster machine would only make the amount of freeze time shorter. That's why I usually send anything I want rendered off to another computer/farm to be rendered so I can continue working.
  • zbrush_newbie
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    zbrush_newbie polycounter lvl 10
    Well I had some other issues over the weekend so I did a complete re-install of windows 7. And now its all fine, dont need process lasso after all. It must have been some driver conflict or something.
    Now i`m rendering (in normal priority) whilst multitasking and music playing without a single stutter.
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