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AK-ART - concept art, illustration, matte paintings, storyboards - for your project

Do you need quality concept illustrations, designs or storyboards for your project? AK-ART studio presents an attractive offer for game developers, big and small. AK-ART's clients include The Wachowski Brothers, Imagine FX magazine, Radical Publishing, Cyber-Scan Films and many others.

Offer includes:

- concept art for production: environments, vehicles, characters, props, from initial sketches to full renderings
- marketing illustrations, screen wallpapers, covers
- key frame art and level design
- storyboards and animatics
- digital matte painting, together with camera projections, ideal for game pitching trailers or cinematic sequences

Samples below, more on the studio's website: http://www.ak-art.net

For matte painting demo reel, please check: http://www.ak-art.net/reel.htm
(or download in hi-res with a detailed breakdown here: http://www.ak-art.net/matte_reel.zip)

Contact methods: http://www.ak-art.net/contact.htm
or send a priv message.


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