I decided to register and post here because I have been googling my problem and this forum is the first to come up... but I still don't have a clear view of things.
I'm currently learning how to use mudbox and try to find a comfortable workflow between it and 3ds max.
I'm creating my base meshes in max and making the UV's accordingly, however... when importing into mudbox, I get some texture stretching and the brushes leave pixelated marks even at level 6-7 :wise:
I'm trying to go with the workflow of:
Low poly base mesh with UV's in max
Sculpt and paint in mudbox
extract maps and whatnot
Back to max and maybe to game engine
Here's a couple of screens showing the problem:
Base mesh and UV's:
any help would be greatly appreciated...
If that doesn't work, then I might guess it is something to do with your base mesh itself, but I couldn't be sure what.
I did scale down the UVs a little bit, didn't help though.
The mesh is too simple, I just unfolded some parts and did some quick planar maps on others.
Maybe you can take a look at my OBJ?
it's exported with mudbox presets.
Also, smooth UVs inside mudbox didn't help
thanks for your replies
For the texture stretching:
It looks like you have some UV's that are really close to each other possibly even sharing the same pixels you need to move one edge away from the other.
For the pixelation while sculpting:
That's normal you need more subdivisions. You might want to subdivide some of the bigger quads in your model before importing it. Just to make sure the size of all the quads is a little more consistent.
sorry, here you go:
Not sure what you mean about the uv's being to close to each other, you mean like stretching the edges on the outline of the arc?
Wouldn't that stretching...umm...........cause even more distortion?
Thanks for your help
Like this?
It sort of helped....not that much though.