http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-M5Qx57_UU"]chronicle trailer HD - YouTube[/ame]
Just got out of seeing this, I found the trailer interesting so I went to see it and I'm happy to say the film is even more interesting. Its a weird mix between Cloverfield and AKIRA but somehow it works. Occasionally hammy acting but a very very cool third act makes it well worth going to see I'd say

Anyone seen it? Is this one of those films that was out ages ago in the states or is it a worldwide simultaneous release I wonder.
Plus Walt from 'The Wire' is in it. Reason enough alone right there.
Glad to hear its worth going to see though!
I think its out today where you are? Im in Ireland and it was released today, I would assume same territory.
Also I think its just called 'Chronicle', my bad.