I'm mostly familiar with the VUE Software but I'm unsure which one to get. They are stupidly expensive so I assume I want the smaller less expensive ones like Frontier?
Their useless customer service had no idea what I meant when I said skybox renderer and I even cited Vue 10 Xstream as having the ability to render out skydomes.
Anyone know what program I should get, I want good results not rubbish ones from a free skybox renderer.
Bought it myself a year or two ago for the exact same reason as you, but i found it to be annoyingly hard to tweak the skies to my liking.
kpt filters
and painting in photoshop would work fine aswell
see under rendering.
i used vue for a couple of skydomes and i found this soluation the best and easiest to use for me. there are many presets, some good, some not, but you can get great results. takes some time to master the settings and the rendering time shoots up for high settings.
here is somebody who knows how to work with the software:
he also has some cheap skydome presets vue's online store.