This is a Project for university to create a base mesh for sculpting on in ZBrush
my reffenece is the woman ten 24 used to create a female base
I tried using box modelling technique to start off with but found that planar modelling was much easier to control and more precise for the placement
if you would like the full reference image you can go on to facebook and look for ten24 they have many useful downloads on there
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Ten24 Facebook
see also;
It will help define the anatomy better; and also help defining detail if you are going to sculpt it, different sized quads will mean you will have areas on your model that you can get loads of detail in and other larger areas - not so much!. Keep at it though
The only other thing is that I switch between high density areas on the head not quite sure how to fix that.
Also, the less you define in the basemesh, the more you have to think about what you're doing while sculpting, which is great practice for a beginner. Here's the one I like to use on the left:
Because it barely resembles a person when you start out, you're really forced to think about anatomy objectively, and you learn a lot in the process.
Then the middle version is what it ends up looking like after sculpting. The right hand one is retopoligised from the finished sculpt