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ZBrush 4 - Sculpts going blocky and pixelated in areas

I'm new to the world of 3D sculpting and I'm currently following a tutorial based around Simon Blanc's No-More-Wine sculpture and have a question.

My model is quite simple, and in order to get detail in the face I've had to subdivide the model. I'm at 6.725 million active points.

After I've finished my ZSpheres and begin to sculpt, I usually subdevide to start adding in more detail, but areas start to become pixelated or blockey. I've watched several tutorials (ZClassroom) and they don't seem to have this problem.

If I reduce the subdivision my detail dissappears. And I can't seem to subdivide any further for some reason.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm really new to ZBrush and this problem is stopping me advance any further. Does it have something to do with that wire-frame mesh thing? I can post some pictures if it'll help.

Computer specs:

Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.40GHz CPU
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460

Using ZBrush 4.


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