Hello, and hopefully this is the place to ask something like this, but I was wondering if anyone had good tutorials for 3DS Max 2012? I will be taking a couple of 3D classes this semester and want to learn as much as I can. Also, you guys make me very jealous at your skills with modeling and I want to be comparable to all of you! Thanks in advance!
And CG Tuts has a huge amount of quality tutorials, including some on creating assets start to finish.
And the best thing you can do is just keep practicing. Make mistakes and learn from them.
Good luck!
The help files and tutorials that are included with max are great, they cover all the basics and then some. Other tutorials you'll find out on the net will teach you various tips and tricks that are handy but the stock documentation in max is very strong.
If you ever wonder what a button does just hit F1 and search for it. Not only will it explain what it does but it will normally give you examples of how its used. Seriously the help files are great.