as mentioned in the title, I have tow questions about low poly modelling.
1) How dose animated textures actually works ?
I'm talking about this characters that can blink or open there mouth with textures.
how do I set-up it (maya or max) what should I know about that ?
here an example :
and the other one :
is there a easy way to show and view a 3d model in actual 3d? turning around, panning and rotating.
this kind of stuffs.
There's no really straightforward way to set that up in max - whatever you do it's going to involve either parameter wiring/reaction manager or some scripting. I imagine its a similar process in Maya.
Marmoset is probably the easiest way to get a model into a realtime renderer so's you can spin it around etc. Unity is pretty straightforward though - as is UDK
as for the textures, It seems still unclear how to put it up, even though you've helps narrowing it down .
Open up the material editor in max, then select a map (diffuse, normal, anything).
See those sliders under 'coordinates'? You can animate them. So you just offset your uvs around.
I never noticed that.
Pretty handy. thanks
But is that relay light enough for less powerful platforms (I'm thinking about DS and co) I mean , you have to load at lest 2 textures instead of 1 !
just wondering.
Of course there would be some kind of wrangling in whatever engine to get whatever system working like it should.
In UDK there are ways to animate, scroll, scale and position of UV's in the material editor, this can be linked up using Kismet so the player blinks every few seconds, or the UV's animate when a specific sound file plays.
In other engines you might only have two states, opened and closed those could be separate UV channels that the engine flips between when needed.
Most other engines have their own unique way of handling the same type of tasks that are specific to their workflow.
this UV moving stuff works pretty well I must say ! even though it looks kind of barbaric... but if the engine handle it, that's fine to me
Thanks a lot to you 3 !
now it's time to run some test !!
I've always worked on Windows (currently 7 64 bits) and I've only recently tried Mac OSX and I'm now jalous of the default image viewer this OS have. by default it read .psd .tiff .eps .ai and with the press of a button a can have a quick look at the file.
this could relay speed up my work flow if there were a way to get those kind of features on windows 7.
So, dos something like that exist on win7 ? or is that OSx's specific features ?
I'm learning a lot thanks to you
thanks a lot !