Projection Painter is a script for 3DS Max which allows you to send a view of your model in your favorite painting application to paint its textures then project them back on to your model.
Looks nice for its application, but $66 USD seems like quite alot. It might be worth it though to people who don't have Mudbox/Zbrush/3DCoat. But not having to export an OBJ is nice.
doesn't textools already do this - for free?
edit: either way, thats totally awesome!
yeah but it's limited by the view size, it doesn't has psd support, no blending options, no shading in the psd, it just project the whole view over the model smearing the texture, no layered projections in psd
I will buy this when I get paid by wednesday and let you know how it goes...I have a ton of stylized style characters I need to paint details on...does this happen to work with max 2k9 and 2010 as well? Or is it only 2011/12?
I will buy this when I get paid by wednesday and let you know how it goes...I have a ton of stylized style characters I need to paint details on...does this happen to work with max 2k9 and 2010 as well? Or is it only 2011/12?
Now it only works with 2011/12. I will try to make it work with older versions in the future.
yeah if you can crank a 2k9/10 version of this like in the future as of like next week or so that would be great and I think you will get a ton of sales if you support that range
I made a new video testing normal map projections. I use NDo 0.6 to create the normal map and then I project it on to my model.
[ame=""]Projection Painter - Normal Map Projection with NDo - YouTube[/ame]
One thing ... not sure if you're doing it on purpose or not, but every time you go to reimport the texture you get the error message that you need to select an object first. If you forget to do that so often, your users will as well. Can it remember the previous selection somehow?
One thing ... not sure if you're doing it on purpose or not, but every time you go to reimport the texture you get the error message that you need to select an object first. If you forget to do that so often, your users will as well. Can it remember the previous selection somehow?
Now it remembers the selection, in the other videos I was using a older version in which there was a bug with the selection. In the the last video I accidentally deselected the object but as you can see at 4:12 on my second re-import it works just fine.
I think Blender has a pretty cool similar toolset built in, for those stuck on earlier versions of max. Someone made an amazing Bastion fan art with it not too long ago.
It says its for max 2011/2012 only
Pretty neat though.
Nice work!
Yes you can paint over multiple objects. Just select them all when you hit import.
edit: either way, thats totally awesome!
Im not going to fork out 60$ in i dont know how well it works.
Maybe sometime in the future.
Thanks you for putting it on the main page.
Also, does it work with older versions of PS?
Only 2011/12. You can use any version of PS, also any paint app that supports .PSDs .
We're stuck on 2009 at work because of Gamebryo exporter limitations and I choose to stick with 2010 at home.