Hey people,
as i second major in Computer science i got back into programming (after long absence^^) and actually i enjoy it. Sure we go through all the important stuff OOC, linked list, double linked list, stack, array, recursive stuff, hash list, hash map, sorting algorythm (bubble and quick sort) and all this atuff. Sadly we are forced to work on BlueJ (which feels like medieval times when you worked on Eclipse for Java before...no auto code completion, a lack of debugging (just local variables but no parameters shown) all this stuff make it a pain.
Well long story short. I really got interested into trying to programm a bit in 3D and try myself on Physics programming. Especially with modern Options like CUDA and OpenCL. But i would prefer C++ over Java.
Anway what books are are good ressources for getting into the hows of 3D (or maybe first 2D) programming with the latest technologies (why work on DX 8 if we are at DX 11). Would be really nice if you could give me some tipps (iam not planning on making a career of it but would be nice to know).
Thanks in Advance