This is my first time posting here!
I've decided to get some high poly practice so I've selected (with permission from the artist) this image from Josh Kao:
Here is a quick block out. After taking these screen grabs I've spotted a few proportional problems, but I'll correct those as I go.

To be honest you could even improve on the design a bit as it can be taken a bit further in terms of shapes...
@Xoliul: I appreciate your honesty - that's what I'm here for! You know, after not touching it for a day or so and coming back to this thread, the proportion problems are all the more obvious. I'm finishing up a high-poly modeling tut from 3d motive right now, but I will take another stab at the blockout soon. Thanks for your input!
I feel however without that, like Xoliul said, the concept is a little dry- no offense to Josh Kao.
I agree, and disagree. Observation is the key in EVERY medium of art. There are key aspects of the concept art that are missing in your model. I would suggest starting over, and spend more time looking at the concept art than actually modeling. I feel like in modeling, more time should be spent looking at the concept art and doing textures/shading than actually modeling.
I think this turned out much more true to the concept. Actually, looking back at my first blockout, I'm kind of embarrassed I posted it in that condition...:D
I wasn't talking about the pose, I was talking about the modeling (which has gotten MUCH better, btw). Like, the main body section was too sharp and flat. The concept image looks more like a diamond, while he modeled it very flat. There was a sort of rib cage area that was missing in the first model, but he's added it.
Also, One of the most prevalent features of the concept is the lack of sharp edges. It looks as though he added it in the top, but the legs could use a simple 1-segment bevel. You always have to be wary of poly count when beveling, but if you're smart about it, a simple bevel and normal and ambient occlusion map could give you the detail in your final mesh that is in the concept art.
My goals for the project are:
1. High poly sub-d practice (Maya)
2. Adding dents,scratches, small mechanical details (ZBrush + nDo)
3. Practice correctly generating normal maps (xNormal)
4. Creating a feeling of "wear and tear" in the textures (PS + Mudbox)
5. Practicing presentation skills (Marmoset for LP + Mental Ray for HP)
I hope to have some new concept sketches up shortly.