hey there you guys

setting up a folio, still on a very early stage...
its set on carbonmade, still using the free version, so its very slobby... will upgrade to the premium version where i can personalize it even more.
would like to know from you guys if these works would fit in a folio, wether i should post also breakdowns/texture sheets, single props, etc, as i have few clues on how an environment artist folio should be set. crits are welcome as always, thank you guys for looking
The first is believability. Things seem just placed around with no real connection to how an urban environment actually looks. You've got a very cramped sidewalk with very thick power poles taking up big real estate.
The power poles themselves first of all feel like they wouldn't at all be in a downtown setting, and most likely not with handles for the kids to climb up and electrocute themselves with. I associate power poles with more rural settings. Moreover each power pole now has it's own transformer, which feels excessive.
I think the same attention needs to be given to almost everything in the scene, from trees just sticking down into the sidewalk to the size of the sidewalks and placement of lamps.
I'd suggest looking at many reference photos of areas like this one and analyzing them to see what elements they consist of and how they're placed. I'd also say you'd need to look at unifying your textures in feel and giving them approximately the same amount of texel density. Right now they vary quite largely from object to object in quality.
That being said, I think the porfolio is well set up and I think with a bit more attention to detail things will be top notch.
Other than that I think you're going in the right direction, just keep working and try to compare your work with others even professionals.
good though- you're not doing things badly, these environments all are quite ambitious and it shows that you finished and pulled them off! it just needs some tweaking which is why we post
The thick telephone poles stand out as low-res compared to everything else, and in one screen it looks like one is almost hanging off the edge of the sidewalk. Maybe make it more interesting and have one of the telephone poles knocked down, laying in the street? Give the viewer a story. Why is this telephone pole knocked down?
Looks like the trees are coming directly out of the concrete as well. Place those in other areas where the viewer won't see where it is growing out of, or create a dirt texture so it looks more believable.
tying to make the urban environment a bit more believable, thought some canges in the mood would give it a better feeling... so, you guys tell me if im going in the right direction:
from a city view, passed it to a urban warfare sort of thing (actuall still passing, many things to be added currently).
what do you people think? any crits will be appreciated
edit: still have to fix the skydome, indeed it feels like the city is floating... have to find a solution for that
edit2: added a couple more pics for the deus ex project, as it felt kind of empty, 2 pics only at first
will be posting more images of projects ad various stuff i plan to add to the folio, crits are welcome
not early stages anymore
any crits are more than welcome, from layout, to grammar, to renders :P planning to start to "show it off" (in lack of a better word) monday, if everything goes alright.
Also be careful with labeling your stuff with video game names, because the way you labeled them seems like you actually worked on the game. Make sure to put inspired by, or reference taken from said game.
-i also think it works better when each project has a thumbnail rather than being just text
-"portfolio" "bio" texts are huge, they steal viewer's attention
-i'd combine "bio", "about" and "contact" pages into one and just put email adress there instead of some special contact form
to be honest i think i like carbonmade one more. it may look cliche but it has that practical simplicity which makes it easy to browse.
made a new version, on shownd.com (took a look at your folio, blaisoid - aside from saying that its wonderful, really... great modelling, texturing and concepting - saw that shownd allows you some more liberty than carboncopy does for its free version: more pics, and the likes).
there goes:
tried to make it pretty much straight-forward, looking at blaisoid's and some other guys folios.
hope it doesnt look blatantly copied, and if it does, just say and ill make some changes to the layout (as much as shownd allows us to play - its quite standardized).