I am getting a weird error here guys, maybe its something really simple to fix or i am just missing something stupid, but this is getting me crazy and nobody seems to have this error

The problem is that once i have imported the model from max to udk the uvs seem to break, so it breaks my lighting uvs and the lighting ends up being weird, the diffuse uvw also seems to break but it looks allright when applied to the model
I have already exported as .fbx and .ase with the right settings and the problem is still there, i even opened the .fbx file with max on a new scene to see if it was an error i was getting while exporting, but the uvs show up just as they were supposed to be
So, i am starting to think this has something to do with UDK
Anyways, heres some screenshots:
UV in Max:

UV in UDK:

Exporting Settings:

What settings are you importing them in UDK?
Are you generating second UV's?
Which version of UDK are you using?
I am getting errors like these on the bake, plus the diffuse is off as well, when it tiles perfectlly in max, already tried using full precission UVs
-I am saving in uv channel 1 and 2, in udk those are intended to be uv channel 0 and 1
-I am importing them as .fbx
-I made the second UVs so lightmap works good
-I am using decembers beta
Also, when I asked for import settings, I meant the ones in UDK. There should be option like "Strip degenerates faces" IIRC and stuff, which could change the outcome.
Again, I think it's a case of there being a vertice which is sharing the same ID as another vertice in Max, and during export, it's auto-connecting it and collapsing the vert to the closest neighbor vert, this happened to me a few times, and usually, it's easier to make a new mesh and export it (if it's simple) instead of spending countless hours cleaning, connecting and deleting faces just to reconstruct one face.
this video could help you possible with light map seams - [ame="
All i had to do is leave some blank space between the uv borders and the uv map, that fixed it, now for the shadows issues, but i can fix that with the video Kbrom12 posted
Thanks a lot guys!