Our game is featured on Kotaku! It was a huge surprise today to everyone in the office, soooo excited to be featured by something so maintstream! So awesome that the gaming community has places like this to feature the mainstream and the unknown. It's so nice to be recognized
If anyone has a smart phone and you wanna try out an awesome game, download it for free on iOS or Android! And if you really like it, buy the full version; it's only $1.99!
So crazy to be featured on Kotaku, can't stop smiling!

Good timing too. This week at the office we are doing 1 week game sprints to see what we can do (4 teams of 1 programmer and 1 artist, except 1 team the programmer is our QA guy, and two artists that is our producer and marketing rep lol).
We'll be releasing them friday and they'll be on the store soon hopefully
Thanks again everyone!