Hey everyone! I've been watching and commenting for some time on Polycount but never started my own sketchbook thread. I recently decided that in order for me to become a better artist and actually get a job in the industry I need to sketch and draw more. So while I sit in my half-cubicle, Ill be sketching all day and posting to both here and on
twitter as well. I welcome any critiques or advice you guys can give, thanks!
To start off, here are a few that I did mostly last week and this week. I've been playing a lot of swtor recently so I've got star wars on my mind. Hopefully once Ill be able to draw them out.

Update: switched over to my website for hosting. Thanks suburbum!
doing this concept sketches is a great exercise, you should keep doing it, generating ideas
this would be, lets say half of the job
the other half would be doing studies, and this part you need to be doing on a strict program, not sporadic, so that you will be able to make little progress each day
this progress is very important because it is your only reward for the hard work you do
I see allot of ideas in your sketches, once you'll have the skills to actually draw 3d shapes in perspective and give your concept some volume, I think your ideas will really start coming to life