Hi Polycount community,
I recently got let go from ID Software,:( so I am going to post stuff here to update the old Portfolio. Here the fist piece I work on Xmas break.. just the highpoly. I Update the work I did in RAGE, Here's a link to my Portfolio
Maybe get a bit of variation in the diffuse? some slight yellows and greens (very slight) or a moss/dust/random grunge mask?
can't wait to see more!
That eagle looks pretty sweet, btw!
Look forward to seeing some cool new stuffz!
YBourykina: thanks, I will go back to it and add more textures, just for you LOL
raul: I will try to get as good as you! B! LOL, thanks
Walrus: thanks, I know right, the power of the normals is like Spark say there "magical"..
dang87:LOL, thanks
How much of this piece is Zbrushed, if any? This is great hard surface work.
Might I suggest making the seat a little more "inflated"? Right now it's very boxy. Seems like even in the ref there's a little more roundness to the seat surface. I could be wrong.
Yours Lowpoly are so amazing , how you really get that? It's just by hand?
Saving everything... :poly121:
I would always be impressed by hipoly artists !
pseudoBug: Done, I went back and made it a little more inflated
cholden: Thanks
ZacD: Thanks, I use 3dsmax before Modo and I don't think I can go back too max.
ScudzAlmighty: Thanks
Z3D: Thanks, Just some love on the highpoly. The eagle was the only thing done in 3dcoat and zbrush, the rest was all modo
jeremiah_bigley: Thanks Dude! lowpoly will be done after I finish more highpoly models.
-Em'-: Thanks
Here's the highpoly model before I took it into Zbrush...
can't wait to see you tackle that jade (?) sculpture!
I been setting on the couch literately for some time now...
I finish the leather couch a while back here's the Lowpoly Couch.
I am having some issues with the compress image in Imgur.com
BodGreatll: Thanks, I have digger render but Imgur.com had a cap on size files and that's the larges I can post without it looking like crap.
Looks great!!
Best website for image uploading, never going back.
BenHenry : Thanks for that website I will chech it out
Oniram : Thank you