BeforeDeath : The Adventures of El Whoppo and Juan Minky to give it it's full title.
Working on this for my university final year project, I've been working on it here and there for some months now, getting all the game mechanics in - lots and lots of scripting and not a lot of art.
It's starting to get to a point where it's feeling like it could be an actual game rather than a bunch of disparate scripts so I figure start a thread for it now that I have time to start getting artwork in there
Made in Unity, target is Android and Web at the moment (iOS if I ever get around to owning a Mac and iOS device).
It started as a DS homebrew project two friends and I were going to work on a few years ago. Sadly it never went much past us just talking about it in the pub. So the character concepts originally came from my friend Tom Chambers and the story arc (what there is of it) kinda belongs to all 3 of us, but all of the scripting and artwork is mine (barring the skull logo, which Tom made).
Anyway, here's what I have so far (in a biiig-ass image, sorry);
Mechanics-wise it's your bog-standard point and click game. Click to move, click and hold on an actor (object or character) to bring up the action menu (look at/talk to/use) and you've got an inventory of items you can either combine to get new items or get out and use with actors in the scene. As you've no pockets, your dog eats everything you throw to him and he acts as your inventory, spitting back out items when you want them :P
The additional hook is that you can swap between the land of the living and the land of the dead. Some items and characters will only exist on either plane of existence. Your inventory allows you to carry objects between planes. However, if they're held in your hand when you switch, some objects will transition with you (e.g. you're in the land of the dead and you get out a skull and swap to the land of the living, it'll become a severed head... but if you left it in your inventory then it remains a skull). Hope to have some fun puzzles with that
The story isn't too well defined yet. You've recently died and find you've not crossed over to the afterlife (hence "beforedeath" - it's not quite the "afterlife"). Turns out no one else that's died has crossed over either. So you and your spirit guide - your newly-widowed wife's prize chihuahua - go off to figure out why everyone's stuck in limbo and help the other dead folk you find to cross over.
If you get to the point where you need music, but don't have anyone in mind, let me know. I'd love to contribute.
Glynn - Music would be very awesome. I'm not quite there yet, but when the time comes I'll be hounding you for your musical talents I'll try and get a video, but it's not much to look at yet.
Spent most of the last two days shuffling/restructuring my code so it all makes more sense. Nothing that's fun to look at. I'll have a stab at more artwork this weekend!
This one's just straight up AO baked in modo.
This one's hand-painted in Photoshop - bit more rough, in keeping with the art style.