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hemi Jet engine WIP High poly

Hey guys I need some feed back on a jet engine that i am doing. The engine is supposed to look like a crossbreed between a hemi engine and a jet engine. I needs some work yet, I want to make it really detailed. I know the fins of the exhaust need redone not sure what exactly to do with them. The colors are about what the base color of the metal or paint will be. I plan on texturing a low poly version with a 2048 or maybe just a 1024 not sure yet.




  • gsokol
    Offline / Send Message
    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Cool, sounds like fun.

    Few design issues, the design of the "front of the turbine" looks a lot like the nozzle...or the back end..mainly from the fin things on the front. If you have the rear of the engine here, then the direction for everything else looks backwards.

    Also...the fact that you have headers on here is fundamentally wrong, as exhaust is is pushed out the nozzle of a jet, to give thrust..instead of being funneled out through headers/exhaust pipes. If you aren't that concerned about how it would work then ignore me.

    Good luck!
  • chrisCPO
    this is the back of the engine. All the Hemi engine parts headers, air scoop, air filter are all are simply on there for pure aesthetics. Yea the fin things are the only thing that i do not like right now and plan on changing.
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