Here is something I came up with in my spare time.................I kid, I kid. As many of you will probably realize this is the tutorial from
3dmotive. As I don't have any background in the traditional arts I wanted to try to get the techniques down before I started on something more original.
The reason I am posting this is because doesn't feel quite right, and I can't seem to place my finger on it. I was hoping some of the hand painting pros around here could give me a bit of help.
Thank you for taking a look.

That is just my opinion tho.
hope this helps a bit
Adding some color variation wouldnt hurt either.
Try adding some pock marks to the metal on your shield.
When painting your textures always push your lights and darks further than what feels natural. As you paint you will find they tend to become more neutral as a natural part of the painting process.
Best of luck!
@ghost-d - Wow that made a huge difference, thanks for pointing that out about self-illumination.
@gbencharski - I will try to keep that in mind about pushing the values more then I would think normally, thanks.
@jeffro - Thanks, while not all that impressive yet my hand painting skills wouldn't be where they are without the video.
@zakhar2 - Thanks for the comparison, I plan to go back over it this afternoon and push the highlights more and deepen the shadows.
@Next - That seems to be the consensus
@glottis8 - As I go over the crits posted here I will try to inject a bit more color into my materials. I have been reading many of the hand painted posts here as well as many of the tuts that are posted here
Again thank you! I am hoping to have an update later this afternoon.
The golds are too yellow.
I think the worn marks in the metal (pot marks) are a bit too dark on the silver sword part.
Few tweaks but great practice. Looking forward to seeing you start something all your own next.
Careful with the scratches on the shield, unfortunately the symmetry is sticking out quite a bit.
Keep going mate.
I have already decided one some of the materials I want use in the scene, and I have plans to add some props around the building. I am not very experienced with environments, as I have only done one prior to this, so there is a lot I have to learn.
Things to learn:
-Proper texture space management (trying to figure out what things I can put on the same texture sheet, and proper size textures for a scene like this)
-Tiling textures (I am kind of familiar with this)
-Foliage (I haven't done more than grass planes)
-Proper lighting for an environment
-And a proper background (ie Sky, in this case)
After I do my block out I plan to start with the small props (barrels, small wagon, the fences) Any help and crits you can provide along the way will be great!