I got a place for 2nd March but I am considering changeing it to 23rd since it might be crowded. Would like to have a longer chat with artists there rather than be limited to 5 min cause of the large ammount of people. Will have to rethink it.
What about you ? what day did you get ?
Cool, gratz to you guys who got a place. Bad luck lady knowles, your street scene was looking pretty good by the end, I'm surprised you didn't make it.
I'll be there in the 2nd too, will hopefully meet some of you guys
Edit: I sit near Ikosan so I guess that means I lose.
I had to move an entire floor before I stopped loosing
Looking forward to meeting you all, I'll be hanging around to chat to anyone who wants advice (at a price of a pint ofcourse).
I didn't get in Oh well! Hope you enjoy it Bart and Wesley...maybe next year I'll see others there?
Don't be discouraged Ms.Knowles You've come so far since I gave you advice on your bf's Nintendo boards all those years ago! (recognised you from you deviantArt when reading your UDK thread ) I'm so proud, I take full responsibility :poly124: Did you end up in Teeside in the end? Heading to Animex in February? Wish I could make it but I'm missing out on it twice in a row :poly117:
Omg that's amazing, I remember! Hahah yes I owe it all to you
I ended up at the University of Central Lancashire...Not a great move to be honest. Didn't even know Animex was in February! Will look into it!
@benji Thanks Benji, it means a lot that you said that. Oh well, I know it could have been improved a lot and I don't have the best of luck most times anyway!
Ah you're not too far from me, I'm in Huddersfield. Ah okay, Rob is a final year programmer. Seems like they group second year designers and final year programmers then?
I have a feeling they get a lot more designers/artists applying for the open day than programmers.
I'm new to polycount but I got a place on the open day for the 23rd! I applied for the concepts section but starting to think I prefer modelling .. Oh well Still incredibly happy about getting a place! Yay pub
Aye that's not too far! Hope some more guys and gals here are going on the 30th!
Also I think I read somewhere that they don't get many people applying for designer so they had to group the programmers together. But I may be completely wrong haha.
Had to catch a train back at 6ish sadly due to the distance, really sorry , would have been awesome to chat with an environment artist! not that the other guys werent cool XD
Likewise, wish I could have stuck around! but thanks to all you guys at Blitz. Had an awesome day and learnt a tonne
Advice for anyone heading to Blitz on the later dates: get enough sleep so you have a lot of energy to talk to a lot of people! Also, have a few questions in mind relating to your work to ask at the feedback session, and take a printed portfolio along with you. You'll get some great feedback in the pub!
Dave - was good to meet you man. as well as James, Ben, Robert and everyone else
Aha! Found this thread.
I'm Gemma, pretty new and haven't submitted anything yet. Thank you for the advice Ikosan, and your friend also (whose name I can't remember ><).
What about you ? what day did you get ?
I put down 23rd. Thought it would be best to get any crit with my work as polished as possible I suppose.
Got rejected.
Applied to Blitz when I finished uni:
Got rejected (found the rejection letter and returned portfolio a few months ago).
I work there now:
I win
Edit: I sit near Ikosan so I guess that means I lose.
Looking forward to meeting people there!
Cant change to the 23rd as I have previous commitments that cant really be shifted or anything :c
I'll be there in the 2nd too, will hopefully meet some of you guys
How about t-shirts so we recognise fellow polycounters, ha...
I had to move an entire floor before I stopped loosing
Looking forward to meeting you all, I'll be hanging around to chat to anyone who wants advice (at a price of a pint ofcourse).
Don't be discouraged Ms.Knowles
Omg that's amazing, I remember! Hahah yes I owe it all to you
I ended up at the University of Central Lancashire...Not a great move to be honest. Didn't even know Animex was in February! Will look into it!
@benji Thanks Benji, it means a lot that you said that. Oh well, I know it could have been improved a lot and I don't have the best of luck most times anyway!
Theres a guy from naughty dog coming up to talk about environments and someone from Epic, going to be
that would involve stepping foot in middlesbrough
My flatmate Rob is off on that day, be sure to freak him out by telling him you know his flatmate Wes.
Also feel free to make up anything you want about me.
I have a feeling they get a lot more designers/artists applying for the open day than programmers.
Also I think I read somewhere that they don't get many people applying for designer so they had to group the programmers together. But I may be completely wrong haha.
Hope everyone with a later date enjoys it as much!
Advice for anyone heading to Blitz on the later dates: get enough sleep so you have a lot of energy to talk to a lot of people! Also, have a few questions in mind relating to your work to ask at the feedback session, and take a printed portfolio along with you. You'll get some great feedback in the pub!
Dave - was good to meet you man. as well as James, Ben, Robert and everyone else
I'm Gemma, pretty new and haven't submitted anything yet.