EDIT: Update:

Hey, been a while since ive worked on a full character so decided for the new year to start working on a female character.
The character is Baiken from Guilty Gear, however I will be straying away from the anime style of the character and trying to go for something more realistic.
Heres the character for those that don't know her.

And here's what I have so far regarding proportions. I don't want to start working on the cloth/accessories and skin detail until i've nailed the proportions first.

Ive tried to keep a lot of the curvature in there so that her female aspects as easily recognised whilst also trying to make her look toned so she has some athletic ability (probably hindered by the breasts but then I dont think the character would be the same without them :poly124:)
Im open to all feedback as I want this to be a portfolio piece so really nailing the proportions and fabric is crucial.

First thing that jumps out at me is her pelvis. The shape is kind of off, lacking definition in front, and the butt is stretching way too high up. I think making a realistic version of her could be cool, but your model is very ordinary at the moment which might just make her look like a regular person cosplaying. Maybe pushing the proportions and looks to something more "supermodel" would be more effective?
IMO youve set yourself one hell of a challenge, ive spent years analysing this style of designs and breaking them down ( especially female characters ) in an effort to find out why they just 'work' and what I came up with was the fact that everythings always in harmony with everything else.
Proportions, pose, persona, fashion, overall stylisation and a very key aspect especially for females - accesorisation.
I always found when I messed with these things - the design starts falling apart, and I didnt have the skill to plug the hole.
That being said, your a beast and you do sick work so I literally cant wait to see how you go
The character on Haiken's site (Sydney) has given me a lot of inspiration regarding the curvature of my character and I agree I definitely need to accentuate the curves. Im hoping that this character helps develop my knowledge of the female silhouette and anatomy better.
Heres an update, the main changes being the hips, buttocks and thighs as well as elongation of the legs to give her a more athletic look.
Here's a good ref pic for the back: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Qnr9Th-L4hY/TYyI0n50peI/AAAAAAAAB3g/UgiBXTKndQ8/s1600/bikini.jpg
Notice the shape the scapula makes on top.
There's something odd to me about how the arms are coming off the body. Her upper torso (below the shoulders) also feels very wide, both in front and side view. The rib cage is smaller up top so the mass shouldn't be too wide. Her feet are looking kind of big too.
And I think the arms look a bit wierd coming off the body, because the bicep shape is a bit unnatural at the top.
Really nice start!
Couple of things stand out to me:
When arms are straight and dropped down, the hand is supposed to cover the crotch. right now it looks like the hand would be past the crotch area.
Also (not sure if this is intentional), but with the size of her head in relation to the body, she looks like she's about 5'2" tall. If you made her head a biiit smaller, she would have the typical cartoon proportions.
You should watch more video footage of the female body. Victoria's Secret models do the trick
What I see:
Between the pelvis and the ribcage things look off.
At the arms the biceps, triceps, deltoid, and the elbow look to disjointed from each other. Try to capture the overlaping frequencies and think overall of the arm.
Also, first thing I noticed is that she has one arm too many
I think it's always nice to have an accurate and pleasing body underneath to build clothes on to. Otherwise it becomes odd trying to reshape the clothing if you decide to edit proportions later. Besides, it's good practice.
Pretty much mirroring what haikai, its very good practice and it helps me wrap the cloth around the character more accurately. The amount i've learned from the feedback in this thread and the iterations of the character are invaluable and worth the time spent.
Following Wawes advice. i've spent a lot of time looking at swimwear models (for work reasons of course :shifty:) to try and improve the figure even more. Again a lot of tweaking to the base with the main differences being the arm length, head size and distance between bottom of ribs, waist and pelvis.
Its slow progress, but im learning a lot from it and I should have an easier time with any female characters in the future.
As for the model I think the torso looks good now, but I feel there's something ever so slightly off about the shape of the legs, and there's still something odd about the proportions of her limbs that I can't quite put my finger on. I like the overall look of the body though, she looks athletic, and more or less realistic, but kind of nudged a tiny bit towards stylization. Looking forward to seeing how/if this'll carry over to her outfit, hair and accessories.
I'm kind of unsure about her face though. I know you're not intending to mimic the style of the original artwork very closely, but at this point there's nothing really about her face that would make me think this is supposed to be Baiken. I have no idea how much time you've spent on her face, but I think it could be a good idea to consider looking over some references and seeing if you can identify any facial features etc that you could replicate while still maintaining the more realistic style. Facial expression, hair, pose, and all that other stuff will of course impact how much she'll look and feel like Baiken in the end, but it may be worth giving some thought at least. As Haikai mentioned there can be sort of a risk of the model coming across as a person dressing up as the character, as opposed to it being the actual character, so maybe pushing the stylization of the face a little farther might be something to consider as well.
I think you should invest time into the details of how her muscles would develop in order to compensate for fighting with one arm because if both sides are equally developed in a character who is being realistically sculpted it will imply she only recently lost her arm and will rob you of the chance to really explore the character.
Hair is still placeholder, right now its just in there so she feels more like the character. I'm aware her proportions still look a little on the short side but rather than push the proportions too much I want to make her the essence of her character work pop more based on final posture and facial expression. I think pint sized assassin works quite well
Good work none the less. I'll be following this.
Will be trying to wrap the sculpt up tonight. Did a polypaint face test as well to make sure that the features will hold up once the character is texturerd properly.
Still a fair while to go I think. It would be nice to get a few more sets of eyes on this.
Polycount is around 18'000, with 1 *2048 map for body and sword, 1 * 1024 map for head and hair.
Thanks for all the feedback from everybody
Saturated the colours a little to make it pop a little more.