Hey guys,
decided to get my workflow into polycount and get some more crit

Lets roll. I study at the University of Hertfordshire and I have been given a brief to make a mock video game trailer. The fist step was to get a team together and come up with an idea. So I got the group, here is the game pitch:
(note, if you're not interested in the idea, dw, skip and go down to my character work) 12th century, England, there was once William, The saviour of Mercia who had earned respect of the country and much of its wealth. The King at the time was jealous of the William so he banished William from the country. William headed north where he was met by a witch. He asked for revenge in exchange for a vial his blood. The Witch agreed and gave him power. William then went to neighbouring counties to call on his friends and brothers in arms to kill the king. William marched to the kings’ castle, killed the king and took his crown. A Few days later, the Witch returns with an Army of clones of William. He then called upon his friends once more to help him vanquish this threat. But many were too weak to fight. During the Battle William faces the witch herself. She tried to control him with the power she gave him, but William released himself from the witches control and defeated her army. The Witch, with her last ounce of her strength fled the battle, vowing her return.
I'm not too bothered about crit on our idea, my role in the project is lead character artist where we have to complete 2-4 Characters. Here is my first.
Character Reference:
Making the designs for the Main Character William was a fascinating journey for me. The most difficult and enjoyable part of the experience was looking and learning about the style of clothing and Armour that was used during the 12th and 13th century. I read all kinds of different books and spoke to loads of different people and reffered to lots of different websites. Books that I read included a lot of the osprey publications (which produce books on information on all kinds of aspects of battle and conflict, from Ancient world to Modern Warfare) English Medieval Knight 1200-1300, Knight Templar 1120-1312, English Medieval Knight 1300-1400 and Knight: Noble Warrior of England 1200-1600. The people I spoke to were from a more educated Background in there areas. Terry Sandell, who is my fencing coach, had extensive knowledge on medieval clothing, styles of sword combat, etc. I also came into contact with a “LARP” group (Live Action Role-Play) who mainly practiced with Medieval style clothing, weapons and armour. After I gathered all my relevant materials. I discovered that plate armour wasn’t around until about 200 years later on in history. At the time, Knights, Lords and Noblemen would wear Underjackets (to protect against the chainmail) An almost fullbody Chainmail and then an almost fullbody fabric that went over the top of it. The fabric was used to show the colours of the knight (i.e. who that knight fought for) so trying to choose the colours for our character was a challenge in itself, to decide whether to make up our own symbol or use one from the past.

Here are my scribbles and concepts:

This here is a plasticine (I like to call professional play-doh) Model I made:

This was the retopology of the character sculpt below, im almost done unwrapping, next well come the texturing and baking

Here's my current character sculpt

When you say from the side, its squashed inwards... could you draw a diagram?? Lol thanks.
Google image search for 'tired man' shows a lot of the more subtle planes that are missing from your model. b1ll's work should be an inspiration. In terms of execution, not stylization.
Also, as for that canvasy shirt, will that bake well at all at whatever res you're going for?
Thanks so much for that Crit Joseph, really came in handy. Here's my current progress, in temrs of dealing with those shapes you were talking about. I need to clean up the eyes a bit now and do one more thing to the lips. But I want this completely finished by Sunday because I want to get on with the rest of my character models :P.
nostrils seem abit thick and the septum doesnt seem to hang low enough.
its coming along nicely !
Btw when you say Nostirls, do you mean the Nasal Wings??
Here's my progress, I'm finished the face now. I'm gonna use the rest of my time on the body. DON'T need crit on the hair. It's just there to fill in the space
Thought I would also consult the god's while at this stage