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mirrored normals in udk issue

polycounter lvl 11
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Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
So I was working right along for weeks now, with mirrored UV's on all these different props, when out of nowhere, I dont even know what I did but suddenly it just screwed up and stopped rendering my materials properly.

I've read about how Unreal can't do mirrored UV's, but it's that's true, then how do I have screenshots taken just a few minutes apart - where in one shot, the materials are rendering just fine, but moments later, they all go haywire? I am confuse.



  • DeadlyFreeze
    Offline / Send Message
    DeadlyFreeze polycounter lvl 17
    Are you using the same mirrored uv's for your light maps?
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    no light maps at all yet... and the lighting is unbaked...

    howeveR!! i found a solution - I found what went wrong... in my normal map texture, the "unpack min" settings had gotten set to 0 0 0 instead of -1 -1 -1 somehow...

    totally screwed me over for like 3 hours tonight - and now i feel dumb for posting this. Anyway, if this happens to anyone else, after you've exhausted all the other threads on this issue, check your unpack min and unpack max numbers in the texture viewer inside the content browser.

    cheers - adm
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