Should you add a colored texture map after applying a normap? or before?
I am working on the dress pants of a character model, I've applied the normap on the pants using a phong shader, now I need to add a colored texture map to the pants.
What is the best method and pipeline for adding the pants colored texture map to an existing normap?
Usually after makes more sense, because it helps to echo the sculpted detail in your color texture. For example with jeans, the ridges will get worn more than the inner folds, so the diffuse would be more threadbare on the outer edges of the creases.
You can bake an ambient occlusion map, a curvature map, etc. that will help with this. You can use them as masks in Photoshop to control where the threadbare parts go, where dirt accumulates, etc.
any good tutorials on UVing pants, clothing.
Thanks Again