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Bill Gates: Better than Batman? (Large image warning)



  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    the blind, uninformed cynical Billy G hating in this thread blows my mind.

    Are you guys even bothering to read about the gates foundation? "He's just throwing money at charity" is such an understatement of the reality of the gates' philanthropic work, you're just highlighting your own ignorance in bright neon colors. And for those of you whining about "he got his money by being a bad person" (mean businessman, idea theif, however you word it), you really think that's worth fuck all in the light of the fact he's saving millions of people from a horrible death, most of which are children?

    Check your priorities people. Step back, look at the facts of his life and his work, weigh the good and bad he's done in the world, and you'll realize how foolish you sound bitching about business practices.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Having an "unpopular" opinion is all the rage these days. It's a new meaning of a unique identity.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Fuse wrote: »
    Having an "unpopular" opinion is all the rage these days. It's a new meaning of a unique identity.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVmmYMwFj1I"]Being a Dickhead's Cool - YouTube[/ame]
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Also, overpopulation is one of the many things they're working on. Watch the interview i linked! :p
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Ferg wrote: »
    the blind, uninformed cynical Billy G hating in this thread blows my mind.

    Are you guys even bothering to read about the gates foundation? "He's just throwing money at charity" is such an understatement of the reality of the gates' philanthropic work, you're just highlighting your own ignorance in bright neon colors. And for those of you whining about "he got his money by being a bad person" (mean businessman, idea theif, however you word it), you really think that's worth fuck all in the light of the fact he's saving millions of people from a horrible death, most of which are children?

    Check your priorities people. Step back, look at the facts of his life and his work, weigh the good and bad he's done in the world, and you'll realize how foolish you sound bitching about business practices.

    altho, i agree ferg. You really can't say anything for certain about anyone. There's a lot of nuances that facts and info from website or papers don't have. I think Bill is awesome for doing this, but it also has a lot to do with monopolizing the vaccine industry in africa and around the world. I mean, his company has most of it's factories in china and, yet he has the balls to talk about american jobs going over seas? To some extent people are good, but to another they are also self-righteous.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master


    The Gates Millennium Scholars fund, according to its official website, only provides scholarships to African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Pacific Islander American or Hispanic American applicants.[55] An op-ed by Ernest W. Lefever, published in the Los Angeles Times on November 1, 1999, criticized the program for its exclusion of Caucasians, saying that the scholarships will "further inflame racial tensions, delay the achievement of a colorblind society and subvert the cherished virtue of reward by merit."[56]
    URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bill_%26_Melinda_Gates_Foundation&action=edit&section=16"]edit[/URL Investments

    The foundation invests the assets that it has not yet distributed, with the exclusive goal of maximizing the return on investment. As a result, its investments include companies that have been criticized for worsening poverty in the same developing countries where the Foundation is attempting to relieve poverty.[57] These include companies that pollute heavily and pharmaceutical companies that do not sell into the developing world.[58] In response to press criticism, the foundation announced in 2007 a review of its investments to assess social responsibility.[59] It subsequently cancelled the review and stood by its policy of investing for maximum return, while using voting rights to influence company practices.[60]
    URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bill_%26_Melinda_Gates_Foundation&action=edit&section=17"]edit[/URL Diversion of health care resources

    AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria are three of the world’s largest killers. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated millions of dollars to help sufferers of these diseases. It seems however that the funding from the foundation has failed to reach the particular needs of societal health that parallel the problems of these major infectious diseases. A Los Angeles Times investigation highlights three major problems with the foundation's allocation of aid. First, "by pouring most contributions into the fight against such high-profile killers as AIDS, Gates guarantees have increased the demand for specially trained, higher-paid clinicians, diverting staff from basic care."[61] This form of "brain drain", pulls away trained staff from children and those suffering from other common killers. Second, "the focus on a few diseases has shortchanged basic needs such as nutrition and transportation…."[61] Food is often taken with medications; if an individual is suffering from starvation it may be impossible to stomach the medication meant to help them. The availability of medication to people may be limited or out of reach because those in need may not be able to afford the cost of transportation. Finally, "Gates-funded vaccination programs have instructed caregivers to ignore – even discourage patients from discussing – ailments that the vaccinations cannot prevent."[61] With such concentrated focus on the vaccinations that are made available, talk of any other ailments may congest patient outpost and vaccination lines. Additionally, hindering people the chance to discuss other ailments is problematic, because a trip to a vaccination line may be the only contact that person will have with healthcare personnel for many months or years.
    In a January/February 2007 Foreign Affairs article, Laurie Garrett claims that many charitable organizations, among whom the Gates Foundation is prominent, harm global health by diverting resources from other important local health care services.[62] For example, by paying relatively high salaries at AIDS clinics, the foundation diverts medical professionals from other parts of developing nations' health care systems; the health care systems' ability to provide care diminishes (except in the area the foundation funds) and the charities may do more harm than good. Similar findings were reported in a December 2007 Los Angeles Times investigation.[63]
    URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bill_%26_Melinda_Gates_Foundation&action=edit&section=18"]edit[/URL Education Reform

    The public school reform program of the Gates Foundation has come under criticism by education professionals, parents, and researchers for promoting reforms that they see as undermining public education. The reforms include closing neighborhood schools in favor of privately run charter schools; using standardized test scores extensively to evaluate students, teachers, and schools; and merit pay for teachers based on test scores. Critics also believe that the Gates Foundation exerts too much influence over public education policy without being accountable to voters or tax payers [64][65][66]
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    You know poverty could be eliminated in sovereign countries with their own currency. Through the use of job guarantee programs and government spending, once that is sorted they could work on helping other countries.


    I commend Bill Gates for his efforts but in the long run I doubt they will amount to much while we have dysfuntional, ecnonomies and governments.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Fuse wrote: »
    Having an "unpopular" opinion is all the rage these days. It's a new meaning of a unique identity.

    I have to disagree, this is just too much of an over-generalization. Disagreement is good, if you can back it up. Dickheads will be dickheads. But saying UNPOPULAR opinions are some how less than... nah.

    Most of the best ideas in the history of humanity, turned into some of the most influencial, just ask Einstein.
  • dissonance
    Fuse wrote: »
    Having an "unpopular" opinion is all the rage these days. It's a new meaning of a unique identity.
    i just don't like "the ends justify the means" sort of thinking because of what and who it could be extrapolated to.

    edit: i'm not saying bill was a bad person, just that i find fault with the logic that goes into that sort of argument, regardless of the person involved.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Most of the best ideas in the history of humanity, turned into some of the most influencial, just ask Einstein.

    Again, atomic weaponry.

    My point was Fuse, that far too many people actually worship Steve Jobs himself (and his objectivism lol) when in fact they shouldn't, cause he was a helmet.
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    looks like its not obvious enough but i think most of the guys here "hating" on bill, are not actually against bill, but against the glorifying and hyping of a single person.

    i think one should always try to see things from diffrent perspectives, and gues what the haters got theyr own perspectives like the lovers and both have facts to prove they are "right"
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Andreas wrote: »
    Again, atomic weaponry.

    what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

    Law of relativity?

    einstein never wanted atomic weapons, he wanted nuclear energy.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

    Law of relativity?

    einstein never wanted atomic weapons, he wanted nuclear energy.

    It means this;

    Goeddy wrote: »
    looks like its not obvious enough but i think most of the guys here "hating" on bill, are not actually against bill, but against the glorifying and hyping of a single person.

    Most of the time blind hero worship is retarded. Someone posted that Gates took what Allens had invented and built on it, well, Einstein 'Theory of relativity' built on Newtons work so... yeah. And none of the work Newtons, Allens, Gates' (or Jobs I guess) has wiped two cities off the map two days after the country surrendered. Hero worship a lot of the time is silly.

    Also there's no reason to use nasty language.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    ambershee wrote: »
    If you're going to be picky, he made his fortune implementing someone else's excellent idea. That person (Allen) happened to develop a nasty cancerous disease and was forced to resign a few years later, leaving Gates to collect the fruits of their labour and develop the business.

    Nah, gates definitely contributed. Heck, Gates was the one that wanted to hold the DOS code as Microsoft copyright, because he figured people would make IBM-PC clones. He was very right in that, and that's how it got to be as successful as it was. Contemporary PC's all had their own operating systems. Apple, Commodore, Atari, etc. MS-DOS was (one of?) the first to not be stuck on certain hardware.

    Yes Allen was important in finding someone to buy DOS off of, but I don't think he's MORE important than Gates. Especially not since the huge growth of MS (1990-2000) was smack dab in the middle of Gates' period.

    Bill Gates had two HUGE ideas.
    ONE: people prefer freedom of machine choice (see also, android sales)
    TWO: people care more about FAST implementation of requested features than about PERFECT implementations
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    batman isnt real :)

    ...GOD DAMN IT.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Snader wrote: »
    Nah, gates definitely contributed.

    I did say "implemented". To me that implies a significant contribution, becuase you know, he was the one who actually did it.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Bill Gates visits Deptford Green school in New Cross.

    "When Keely Wilson, an English teacher at Deptford Green school on Amersham Vale, applied to charity Speakers for Schools for an inspirational speaker, she never imagined they would get the Microsoft mogul.

    But on January 25 the billionaire dropped by on his way to a world leaders’ conference in Switzerland and spent two hours addressing students."

    Awesome guy....

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