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TF2 Material Setting

polycounter lvl 18
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-DN- polycounter lvl 18
This is a side by side comparison of a model I am trying to compile to TF2. On the left I have used the material tag $aplhatest in the VMT file. On the right I have used the material tag $translucent.

Now when I use translucent the water bottle part of the mesh displays correctly with the right opacity but displays the rest of the mesh with what I assume are clipping errors. I come to this conclusion because the model is the same in both instances, just a change in the VMT file.

When I use the tag $alphatest the gun mesh displays correctly but the water bottle its forced to be draw by the engine by either 0 or 100 percent opacity.

This leads me to wonder if it is possible to use the $translucent tag in the VMT file and have it display the mesh without clipping issues.

After reading through the source wiki and not coming up with the information I am looking for I thought I would give PC a shot, any information or help would be appreciated.



  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Just set up the part of the model you need to have $translucent on a different .vmt file that has $translucent in it and remove any alpha commands from your original .vmt. Before you export the model to .smd change the name of the material on the bottle to the name of the $translucent .vmt and re-compile it. Source references the name of the texture that was applied in your modeling app to the .vmt file so you can still use the same texture for it.
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