dat ass. looking nice however in the last shot, the face looks weird. I would add more cheekbone like in the concept. Eyes are fine, a tad big but fine. the problem for me would be the cheeckbones.
I think it's a good start and your topology is sound. The face looks like it has really no cheek and the eyes are too large even for the concept art. My understanding is that she's about 15 so maybe make her a bit smaller looking, her upper body looks big and bulky imo. Smaller shoulders, ribcage and chest could really help.
Here are some more concept art images, maybe you have them already. 1 2 3 4
A lot of the weirdness in the face is because the eyes aren't recessed enough. She's got no brow ridge to speak of, and there isn't any indication of eye lids (both top and bottom). Stylized looks can be deceiving, but there's actually more real anatomy that goes into making it look right than you might initially think.
I disagree about the eyes popping out too much. Instead of the eyes too far out, I think the bottom of the face is too sunken in. I did a quick paintover to show what I mean. Mostly I brought the bottom of the face forward and filled out her cheeks and her jaw a little. I tried to keep that anime look though.
I think the rest of the model is done quite well I can't wait to see this start getting textures!
Finished uvs and baking She has 3 texture sheets; a 1024, 512, and 256. I'll probably have to duplicate a lot of the hair pieces to make them look fuller.
Her eyes make her look like a robot, lol. I would look more carefully at combining real human anatomy with the anime style style eyes in the reference you posted.
i dont mean to sound harsh but that head shape is still off. it still looks like her chin is sinking into her neck. and theres still something off about them eyes. they looks like they're about to pop off the head.
good luck
I did a quick and dirty paint-over that will hopefully help a bit, the main problem is that the lover half of her face is recessed too much. I pushed it a little more into stylized territory than anime, defining things a bit more...which may not entirely be what you want, but I still hope it helps you see some of the areas that are being problematic
I took a minute and moved her eyes closer together and adjusted the eyelash shape a bit.
I think the chin in your paintover is too pronounced compared to the SCV concept, but it still looks cool.
this is my attempt at some kind of modeling advice, so here goes..
i reckon the problem being mentioned with the chin and maybe eyes, face looking off, might be to do with the angle & position of her head/eyes in the pose.
i tried to tilt it back and shift it back more in line with the shoulders in the paintover.
i think, before, her head was pointing down/leaning a little to much forward with eyes looking up & ahead, making it look a little off.
i found that, if you start playing with changing the face when the basic head position/rotation is out, then it can really mess things up and make hard work, when it might just need a simple tilt or shift back.
maybe the eyes will need rotating down to match the head titled back more (if you try it).
i am a complete novice to modeling, but i hope this is helpful, as i felt i should try to be of help after all the help i received from others here
It looks like her posture makes the head tilt forward which also make it look like it's a little bit small. Doesn't do the eyes any favours either
Crap paintover attached to show what I mean with the posture, could be that the shoulders are a bit too far forward as well, giving her a hunched look...
Oh, cool. I like where you're going with this more than what you did with the previous character. A nice touch of realism in the face, you could go further with it though and define the parts above her eyes, make her eyebrows more slim and perhaps reshape the ears a bit.
I very much agree with haikai, realistic anatomy is essential even for these kind of stylized art designs. Most artists in anime/manga studios have backgrounds in painting/drawing realistic stuff anyway which is what helps them manage so well with the anime-style.
Nice stuff.
Goraaz: Thanks! And I agree; haikai made a good point. Ill define her eyes/eyebrows and reshape the ears (i just quickly blocked in the anatomy of them).
Alexis, it was like a revelation once I rounded out the cheeks. And ty to vavavoom and urgaffel for pointing out the head/neck posture.
Hey I like what you've done so far, looking good! I saw this (link below) the other day, and I think the artist did a good job of combining a manga shaped head with realism. It might give you some ideas: Catherine by nianzu Zhang
Hey, just my two cents here.
Her zygomatic look too bloated at the lower outside of the eye. If you flatten that down a bit, the silhouette of her head and that cheek bone to eye area would look better.
Consequentially, you might want to bump up her supraorbital, thats the area around the ends of the eyebrows. There should be an overhang of flesh there. Once you do that, it will make the area outside the eyes recede more into the head, which is also needs to do.
The bridge of the nose needs a bit more mass vertically. It seems to taper sharply as soon as it meets the glabella.
Also, may I suggest widening the mouth line more?
anyways lets see it textured :T
Almost finished the modeling, and I have a few edges left to turn here and there.
Here are some more concept art images, maybe you have them already.
I think the rest of the model is done quite well
haikai, understood, thanks; btw, there are loops behind the eyelash meshes so the eyes can blink.
vavavoom, cool, I hope this can help you with your character.
Alexis, I brought the cheeks and chin out some, and did recess the eyes back a bit. I think what I have now is inbetween your paintover.
I'm finishing packing uv's now, and about to start baking AO.
I adjusted the face some more, and I'm pleased with it now.
good luck
idk, i'll finish the textures and come back to the head afterwards.
I did a quick and dirty paint-over that will hopefully help a bit, the main problem is that the lover half of her face is recessed too much. I pushed it a little more into stylized territory than anime, defining things a bit more...which may not entirely be what you want, but I still hope it helps you see some of the areas that are being problematic
Front and side view:
I took a minute and moved her eyes closer together and adjusted the eyelash shape a bit.
I think the chin in your paintover is too pronounced compared to the SCV concept, but it still looks cool.
i reckon the problem being mentioned with the chin and maybe eyes, face looking off, might be to do with the angle & position of her head/eyes in the pose.
i tried to tilt it back and shift it back more in line with the shoulders in the paintover.
i think, before, her head was pointing down/leaning a little to much forward with eyes looking up & ahead, making it look a little off.
i found that, if you start playing with changing the face when the basic head position/rotation is out, then it can really mess things up and make hard work, when it might just need a simple tilt or shift back.
maybe the eyes will need rotating down to match the head titled back more (if you try it).
i am a complete novice to modeling, but i hope this is helpful, as i felt i should try to be of help after all the help i received from others here
I'm trying a different approach to the body now, and applying the suggested changes.
Crap paintover attached to show what I mean with the posture, could be that the shoulders are a bit too far forward as well, giving her a hunched look...
I very much agree with haikai, realistic anatomy is essential even for these kind of stylized art designs. Most artists in anime/manga studios have backgrounds in painting/drawing realistic stuff anyway which is what helps them manage so well with the anime-style.
Nice stuff.
Alexis, it was like a revelation once I rounded out the cheeks. And ty to vavavoom and urgaffel for pointing out the head/neck posture.
Catherine by nianzu Zhang
Her zygomatic look too bloated at the lower outside of the eye. If you flatten that down a bit, the silhouette of her head and that cheek bone to eye area would look better.
Consequentially, you might want to bump up her supraorbital, thats the area around the ends of the eyebrows. There should be an overhang of flesh there. Once you do that, it will make the area outside the eyes recede more into the head, which is also needs to do.
The bridge of the nose needs a bit more mass vertically. It seems to taper sharply as soon as it meets the glabella.
Also, may I suggest widening the mouth line more?
That is all. Good luck!
garriola83, thsnks! I see you know your anatomy terms lol.
I fleshed out the legs and started wrinkling the clothes.