I think I have finished my UDK environment finally, so I thought I would post some PICs. All textures are hand painted, and all work is original except the sky and the water shader.
Given Borthwick artist Seattle WA
[edit] "Image removed, tinypic url lulz" - mod [/edit]

comments, crits? please let me know what you think

WIP pics here:
Same fidelity problem goes for the rest, you've gone for a super simple texture style but added very many tiny props, which clashes.
Think of it as a painting, if you were making a very stylized painting how would the details look? In this case a few larger rocks would probably work better with the scene rather than very many small rocks of uniform size.
I'd say overall you should be looking for larger shapes and try to unify your textures in how they look and feel and in the detail fidelty in the textures themselves.
You can also greatly increase the texture resolution for the brick part of your lighthouse, and fix the normals for it (the geometry seems like it might be a bit weird too).
What is the white stuff on top of every pillar and rock?
I changed a few things around (replaced the smaller rocks with just a few big ones, added more grass)
Does it look better now?
Not sure why the lighthouse has a lighting problem but here are the wires:
a few notes: the white stuff is seagull poop, and the people who live here just man the lighhouse
It's good to stay low poly, but keep the density close for better lighting.
Its udk not unity, but thank you for the advice i think it'll carry over
Always put a scale reference in your scenes, and duplicate it around next to buildings, trees, grass, etc. so you always know how big everything is in reference to the player. It doesn't have to even be a full human model, it can just be a tall block. I found it really helps.
Looks like Vray to me. Ahahahah!
GOd that would be just.....way too funny and might have made my year if that were the case.
The island doesn't look very cartoony. You need to make it brighter and exaggerate the shapes more.
Also how did Bigjohn find this after 3 months?
Is there a 'search boobs' function I don't know about? :P
think it would look alil better if you added abit more variation to the textures... for me there abit to mcuh contrast between the sand and some of the meshes like the rocks.... think it needs more colour 2 especially the ocean
Love this work post more pictures.
here's a thread on Neogaf about it. It looks like mods actually went and banned the use of tinypic on their forums.