Cross post from "What Are You Working On? 2012 Edition" Thread.
Never done a full character and got pretty inspired after seeing Mr. Freeze in Arkham City. He seemed similar to one of my characters and want to try and bring him alive.
Just a block thus far and I need to research more to how I'd want to build him.
Sketch of what I'd like to go for atm and can't decide which I like better: larger forearms or regular....but blocked out the larger arms at the time.
Then a buddy of mine said giving him some type of weapon...hammer, axe, gun....Well, I like the feel of Halo's Gravity Hammer so I'd like something of that sort for him. So did a quick sketch of a Halo Uprising cover with my character in place. Haven't conceptualized the hammer for him yet....
Blocked a few things. Still don't really know what to do for the back and am planning to change it up. I'll figure something out.
Keep going!
@MasteroftheFork: Once I get the back shape to something more interesting, I'll play with the pipe placement and shapes.
@MrHobo: Yeas, the skull is there to stay I'm planning to beat it up a bit and add cables/connections to it.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep at it!
@ kodde: yeah, that makes sense due to all that gear on his back. That's what I'm planning to do
I love the undead skull, but the rest of the body lacks a deathly feel to it, there's no decay. Overall it almost looks insectoid to me, like the head of a praying mantis would fit it better. Hands also come off as a bit dainty, how 'bout a creepy skeletal hand on one side? Maybe a missing boot with a skeletal foot too to break up the symmetry more and really make it look decrepit.
I think he could use a bit more heel. In the side view he looks a bit back heavy and his heel is straight up and down. Looks like he could fall back any moment.
crazyfingers: True, he does need some asymmetry maybe even some b-symmetry(:p), haven't quite figure out how to do that yet. I'll have to play around with the broken tubes and such and see how it works...that just might go against the purpose of the suit to keep his body intact.