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Wall E

polycounter lvl 13
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jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
So it has been some time since I posted work, I have been really busy with my job, but have recently finished a little side project. There is still a lot I want to do with this guy, mainly add a proper base, do some sculpting and create more, and better poses, and create a truly bad ass render.

But for now, here is the finished high poly model, C&C is welcome :)

On a side note, I give guys in the industry who work after hours on projects, it's tougher than I expected... (If you see this thread Snefer I am looking at you! ;) )



  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    haha, I love the high poly but do you plan on taking it further by putting some wear and tear on him also?
    looks tight dude! Good work! :D
  • neigan
    The first thing is notice is that you made the body completly cubic.
    The lower sides and lower back is supposed come out a couple of cm's more than the rest of the main body.
    Also the eyes are supposed to be convex, but your's are way too smooth towards the outer rim and are supposed to be pushed further back inside the head.

    You can see what i mean with both the body and eyes on this picture:
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Gannon: Thanks man :D I do plan on sculpting him, and adding character, but first I want to make his base (some rubble, garbage, etc.)

    XXXTHECHAD: Thanks Chad! I made him for you ;)

    neigan: Cheers for reminding me about the body. I was intending on using a lattice to just deform it at the very end, but totally forgot, I'll make sure to fix that. As for the eyes... the eyes were a quick finish, thanks for pointing those out too, I'll work on this too.

    Next up I am going to try and add some renders of him in goofy iconic poses, and then add his base, then sculpt, then low poly and texture!
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    It only counts as spare time if you have a life! : D

    Model looks good, though you have kept all the details pretty small, if I were you i would bump up some of those shapes so you justify adding them in the lowpoly and getting some nice mid-detail shapes in there. Like the circle-indent-thingy on the side, make that bigger and stronger so you get a bit more shape in there. Same goes for the boxy shapes on the top of the cube, give it a bit more depth etc, so the lowpoylmodel wont look flat in the wrong lighting etc : ) Just my 2 cents.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    The cooler is tad skinny
    Wall-e looks awesome, but you need a few small tweaks. The arch on his back does not go that far down, and his tracks are little longer than his body.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Snefer: Hah you replied! Cool :) I once had a life... once long ago... But seriously I guess I bevelled him as I would a game asset/character, but didn't really think of enhancing the shapes for the bakes. Definitely some good Ideas, I'll go back and push those. BTW your two current environment threads kick ass!

    BARDLER: Hey man thans for the picture! Looking at that I can see you are definitely right about the sizes of those things, I'll fix em for the turn around.

    And, as a shamless bump, I figured I would post a nicer, lessed rushed render of the front of him, next post I promise will be an update on the base!

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