Well, it took some time but I finally uploaded them ALL today using my colleges fast internet speed HAHAHUHA!
MUST READ: I only did one plank and copied it.. this was done for time, the point was to get the process across.
I'm just going to upload them and then comment them all with an explanation of each part when I can. Here is the end result:
And Here it is tiled:
Hope that it helps.
Enjoy The Videos and picture that sexy man on the other side speaking to you with his amazing South African/ English accent and the slurring of words because I did it at a late...ish time in my spear time.
Now to find out how to inbed the videos....
It's the concept behind it that counts.
I might make another video part where I take in the crit and fix it.
Thanks for the comments.
Yes I did oobersli but the reason for that is the time... If I spent the time on each plank explaining as I go then the vids would be very long (and I cant multi task for shit)
Ok this should be better: also I tried to add some color variation at the end on the last part, on each copied plank but I think I needed to bring the opacity down more.
This is just a quick edit.
take a look
Have you ever made a vid tutorial? The problem I had is time... trying to get as much as posible into as little time as posible is the hard part and what people watching need to understand is that I would spend more time making sure everything is done properly spend more time choosing vales, hue, saturation ( which to be fair I should have done beforhand) and doing the design, but then I woudn't be able to show the pocess of how to choose the value, hue and saturation.
This is more of a basic tuorial, and even though it might not be the best vid tutorial (although there aren't many great ones out there) it has the fundamentals in it for someone starting out to understand.
I don't think there are any good wood video tutorials out there so thats why I mase this.
Kyuzo: I've seen that before and it is good, but its not a vid and alot of people understand more from seeing the process as it happens.
Thanks for the comments guys, I will take what you have said into considration.
If you're going for "WOW" style texturing with this you need to put more depth, value change, and overall painterly details in this.
There's actually a great wood video tutorial at http://www.3dmotive.com/training/photoshop/hand-painted-weapon-texturing
oo this is a good one. i always found this thread to be fairly insightful with the wood and what not
@Micah i have to say it also the bevels in the brick are waay too huge. i know you tried to quickly fix them but it still has a fairly brich-ish look. i think it could also be do to the repetitive nature of your texture. spend some time make your pieve unique, refine your shapes and dont be afraid to use some brighter values for your highlights. There are a lot of good threads on woof and hand painted stuff in general on here so i'd also suggest taking a look around.