Me and Christopher Schiefer are working on this full deferred rendering engine for a long time. We ended up with some interesting results in terms of performance & quality. What you see here is all wip. All Codes are from scratch,none of them is from act3D. We made a huge effort to set it up as optimized as possible. It took us 1 year and yet long a way to go. All post process shaders are downsampled, so it runs very fast @ 1080p.
Captured movie download link
Size: 169 MB | Format: mp4 | Duration: 3,43 min
Christopher Schiefer's Features
-newest FXAA
-FilmGrain with luminance importance
-Peter Haarm Duikers Filmic Response Curve Tonemaper with Custom Toe// wip
-Reinhard With Custom Toe
-Exponential with Custom Toe
-Linear Tonemaping
-Uncharted 2 Filmic Tonemaping
-Fast Slow adapted Average Luminance for Light adaption & D&F
-Blue Shift
-Fast Dynamic Lens Reflections & D&F
-Fast Custom HDR Glow & D&F
-Fast Light Shafts with 512VS with Occlusion and SunPosition dependent Importance & D&F // wip
-Fast Custom Image Based LensFlares with Occlusion blocking in Post
-Advanced Colour Correction
-AverageColour Dependent Colour Correction with WhiteBalance
-Slow Adapted Bokeh With Chromatic Aberation and Purple Fringing & D&F // wip
-SSAO with ViewSpaceNormals and ViewSpacePosition Support and Depth dependent Scaling & D&F
-Anti Leaking for SSAO and Bokeh & D&F
-Simple Camera Motion Blur with Jittering and merged Support with Bokeh & D&F
-Bilateral Upsampling
-Atmospheric Scatering with Custom Nightmode and Custom alot more Custom features
-Dynamic Irradience Calculation using Dynamic Lattitude Conversions and Inteligent bluring with no seams & D&F
-Fast Irradience Lighting
-Ambient BRDF
-Lyon Specular Model
-Custom Gaussian Distribution Specular Model
-Oren Nayar
-Spectral Physical based Specular Model
-Specular Occlusion & D&F
-Specular Energy Conservation
-Exponential Height Fog with Directional Light Scattering and Irradience Injection
-Penumbra Shadows / Percentage Closer Soft Shadows // not used
-NdotL Shadow Culling //not Used
-Disk Shaped Shadow Sampling with Jittering
-Doublesided Shading
-SSDO & D&F //not used
-Cross Processing
-additional simple 1D Color Correction
-SSAO Dilation
-Non floating Velocity Buffer using [0..1] Range
- Anti Leaking ScreenSpace Shadow Blur //not used
.... and alot more.
Everything is Optimized due to Downsampling and mostly usage of LUTs for Storing Multiple used calculations
D&F = downsampled and Fullscreen possibility
The rest including deferred pipeline setup, Terrain, etc is mine.
Computron: appears it's the noise texture used for SSAO sampling.
good work!
Please do plan on releasing this....if not for free, then not too expensive, please
Main purpose of this engine is for my game, but depending on my time i have some cool idea's. One of them is a kinds of social network but only for 3d artist, Imagine a kinds of city, each user have its own home or portal entry, and he or she can present his works on his own space and others can came an visit his place, chatting, writing comments on his 3d wall, etc.There are many 3d social network on the web,
but they all have a stone age graphic and their purpose is different.
What do you think about such a network? any idea?
one of my mates already finished a 3d chat system and networking side for quest3d. So this is a very close possibility, The only issue is time. building such a network + editor is a huge task.
This shot might help you with what i mean by from scratch, However its an old shot.
btw, Most of the vegetation are imported from crysis, also Cathedral & Cemetery are from a model pack which i buy it long time ago. And that skin mesh character is from oblivion. Cause these are all test and i will not publish any exe of this environment setup i did not mention those. For a final release everything will be original, just like my other projects
Last time I saw something made in quest it looked like it's from the 90's. This is just mind blowing!
Btw your idea sounds much like a next gen version of Second Life for Artists, wich doesn't sound like a bad idea, I'm interested to see where this one goes now.
Any suggestion about such a network?
also i think there are some conceptual problems;
on one hand i gues it would not realy help you get hired, cause most of the companies wont take the effort to register and use this unless it realy becomes an important place to be.
on the other hand it sort of takes the controll over the presentation with people being able to zoom on all the ugly parts you dont want them to see.
last and most important people could also be affraid of theyr models and textures getting ripped.
i like the idea but i think it would not be worth the effort, wich would be huge.
About the ugly parts you don't want them to see, i must say, solution is simple. don't do any ugly modeling, this is related to the quality of the end user art work. About the piracy i don't take it that much serious, perhaps when this is all done, then there should be some sorts of rule and agreement.
I think you are focusing too much on empty half of the glass . But thanks anyway.
@Hboybowen, thanks
*Head Explodes*
Amaaaazin :O
I really think deferred rendering is the future, its so cost effective. You guys are doing an amazing job!
Are all of the effects overdone at the moment? It'd be nice to see some examples where they were a little more realisticly applied.
How easy is it to set up the lighting? Is there much tweaking of settings required to get it set up?
@mytes, yes its all wip. setting up lights and other stuff for the end user should be very easy. Hardest part for me is to setup a proper octree for optimization. I am working on it. Scene management is the hardest part.
In these 2 shot's you can see octree and sun shadow frustrum culling progress.
And more Global AO in progress.
More info
Our method for GAO is a bit different.
clever ol' crytek.
With blur
Without blur
Btw about its performance.
GeForce GTX 560
Downsample (1/2 screen size) with blur @ 1080p: 1.6 MS
1/1 Screen size with blur @ 1080p: 7 MS
Btw new shots after a while.