Hey every one.
Ok I'm working on blocking out a dragon in zbrush and everything was working fine and at some point the dynamesh stopped adding Geo.
No matter what I do or add it will not go past 150k pts. I have even exported the model out of zbrush in obj format then brought it back in and dynameshed it with the same result. And according to the dynamesh wiki information:
"On a technical level, the new geometry resolution generated by DynaMesh is limited to a cube of 1024x1024 (≈1.05M polys per face & ≈6.3M polygons per DynaMesh/Subtool). When the mesh bounding box is pushed out of this maximum resolution, the geometry can start lose details."
SO, does any one have any idea how I can go about fixing this issue? first time dynamesh has limited it self on me.
Best Regards
I don't think there is a need to take it too high to be honest; just get the main shape down, turn off dynamesh, and subdivide like normal.