very cool. i like it a lot.
i'd say the only bits that really irk me are the feet. theyre rather soft compared to the edged sharpness of the rest of the model. the bit on top feels almost soft to me.
other than that though, good work.
Wow great start! Looking good so far. I just have one question, what's with the plate above the left (from the viewer) knee? The spec spreads there for a bit making it look like it has a small bump. Maybe that's just me but it kinda draws attention to it.
Thanks guys, @Chimp yeah the feet were just thrown in last so they need the most work @Seirei what you are seeing is a bit leftover of the muscles. I sculpted a full body underneath and I guess I didn't smooth that enough when I extruded. I'll need to pull that out a bit and round it. Thanks
With as simple as the concept art is I don't see any problem with you having to make your own decisions. This looks really nice so far. I actually quite like that the armor plates (especially in the leg) evoke muscles.
I don't know the company (though I could make a few guesses from the style) and the guidelines/restrictions but unless the test is freely available on their website for anyone to grab then there's a pretty good chance they would mind. Typically these are meant to test an artists ability to meet/exceed the standards of the studio within a given amount of time using the resources they've provided. By posting your test here you've given anybody who see's this thread a significant head start should they apply for the same position as well as breaking the confidental nature of the test. At the very least I would recommend taking down the images and asking them before putting them back up.
Yeah, I second Scudz. I hope you have permissions.
BTW, it's an art test. It should be 100% to concept. Especially because it's an ortho.
Modelling sheets generally indicate that they don't want you re-interpreting what they've designed. I can almost guarantee they WILL mind, and will most definitely go for someone who can follow the orthos correctly.
I would have checked with them whether they wanted you to follow the concept 100% before starting. Having said that though it's looking pretty good and you haven't deviated massively, so would have thought you would be OK. Is this purely a Z Brush sculpt so far?
Usually when you're given ortho shots, you're not supposed to deviate AT ALL. It shouldn't be confused with a 3/4 action shot from a top angle.
There are shitloads of technical reasons for that. Least of being, they need it to interact with things of the same size and shape. What if the rig was already made with 500 animated cut-scenes?
I'm not saying that IS the case per se in this instance, but it's certainly one of the key reasons orthos are made in the first place. And it's a HUGE reason as to why you need to follow ortho's with 100% accuracy.
I'm sure they won't mind that it is a little different.
good luck!
i'd say the only bits that really irk me are the feet. theyre rather soft compared to the edged sharpness of the rest of the model. the bit on top feels almost soft to me.
other than that though, good work.
@Chimp yeah the feet were just thrown in last so they need the most work
@Seirei what you are seeing is a bit leftover of the muscles. I sculpted a full body underneath and I guess I didn't smooth that enough when I extruded. I'll need to pull that out a bit and round it. Thanks
BTW, it's an art test. It should be 100% to concept. Especially because it's an ortho.
Modelling sheets generally indicate that they don't want you re-interpreting what they've designed. I can almost guarantee they WILL mind, and will most definitely go for someone who can follow the orthos correctly.
There are shitloads of technical reasons for that. Least of being, they need it to interact with things of the same size and shape. What if the rig was already made with 500 animated cut-scenes?
I'm not saying that IS the case per se in this instance, but it's certainly one of the key reasons orthos are made in the first place. And it's a HUGE reason as to why you need to follow ortho's with 100% accuracy.