I've been trying to figure this one out, without a surefire way...
Basically I have 4 verts, and I am creating a Face from those. Alot of the time the face is created right, but sometimes it gets created wrong and the new edge appears twisted.
Like if you extruded an edge, then rotated it 180, so the verts are on opposite ends.
I attempted to connect the side edges/ring edges, and get those end verts. Then check their distance from each other, since if it was twisted, they should almost be overlapped/short distance. But it's hard to say how far/close they should be to untwist the verts.
I can use the Brush Size that I am using to create the new Extrusion, but you can change the brush size as u create new edges/faces, so that distance check against the brush size fails too.
Anyone else have an idea of what to do?