so ive been annoyed by this since i started using marmoset like 3 years ago.. usually ends up in me giving up and switching back to xoliuls for the remainder of texturing... but now. i will fight back.
i want to know why marmoset always highlights my specular details.. even though there is no light reflecting off the damn surface...
halp pls
Gloss map goes in the alpha channel of your spec map, and is adjusted by the specular sharpness slider.
alright ive managed to save the alpha map but the problem persists.. moving the sharpness slider does produce different results but the specular still glows hot when it shouldnt no matter what i do... also my gloss map managed to make my steel look like glass even though i have the gloss map to near dark (which should mean low-gloss matte surface right?)
It looks like your specular is really dark, then the scratches and wear are really bright.
-Also there's a thread for Marmoset problems :P
it cant really be the maps since those exact textures look just dandy in xoliuls, 3ps, ce3, ce2.
Also, make sure you're saving your spec as 32 bit and not 24 bit.