Hi I am sculpting throusers and I wanted to make a sewing line on both sides of the legs , so I start drawing on a side with simmety on and backface on , but altough the sewing comes perfect on the side I draw on the other side looks sometimes added some other ssubtracted and not simetrical why? and how can I do to obtain the simmetricity?
What it does is use the geometry of the mesh to mirror rather than the centre axis. This obviously means ur topology needs to be symmetrical
You could try using the resym options to fix the symmetry, or use S.Pivot to change the center point (disable l.sym in this case)
A model at 0,0,0 probably wont do much if that's not where the mesh's actual line of symmetry is. In otherwards if you have a person standing at 0,0,0 and their left arm is one inch longer than the right, he's not symmetrical.
What does the mesh look like lowest subdivision, front view, orthographic, polyframe on?
L. Sym (local Symmetry) is located on the right side bar, or else under the Tranform menu.
ReSym is under Tool > Deformations. Be sure to mask the half of the model to reSym before you do so.
I just tried that, for science. It produces a visual effect that is a dead give away to flipped normals and requires the extra step of enabling a double-sided display to counter, and interestingly the brushes still behave symmetrically either way.
Edit: And with backface-automasking on like mentioned previously, just ignores the flipped half altogether.