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Developing for Source / TF2 / QC commands help

Sorry if this is the wrong thread, just kinda thought it would be the most fitting for this.

Anyways, I just have two (well, 3) quick questions regarding Valve's VMT and QC files. I currently have a weapon attached to weapon_bone, as is standard. However, I was wondering...

a) Is there a way to move the bone up or down on the weapon without having to to fix and re-export every single SMD (Every LoD, the physmodel, etc)? Like, is there some sort of $offset command? I searched the Valve wiki but didn't see anything. I just have to move the skin down / the bone up a nudge, but don't feel like going through every 3d model (And it would help for future reference as well).

b) Some weapons in the game turn bloody after they get a kill (Zatoichi, Eyelander, etc). How would you code two textures so that the clean texture is the default, but it switches to the bloody one afterwards? (Using the Persian Persuader as a base, which I believe does this from scratch)

I was thinking it would use texture groups, like

$texturegroup "Bloody" {
{<clean> <bloody>}

But I wasn't sure...

c) For future reference, does anyone know if there is a way to do the same as b, but replacing the SMD? For example, the way the demoman's bottle breaks when he hits something, or the way the caber changes shape.

Thanks for your help in advance
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