So in an effort to update my portfolio and find work, I started this apartment block of the future.
It is meant to look cramped and industrial, as these modules are to solve a population problem rather then provide comfort.
Anyway, I am at the point where I some new eyes might help. I am currently dabbling with UDK as well so any useful resources you think might help for specific effects would be great - Im yet to find a environment map tutorial that doesn't fry my puny brain.
Any feedback would be much appreciated!
I hadnt realised how small this picture was. so here is a larger version as well as bit of a photshop edit of a direction i was thinking of going.

Photoshop edit

anouther good one
old but good
As for panels being held together, it is high tech so rivets don't necesarily have to be seen. Though something might help.
The dryer vents though are just all wrong. 1: that tubing is really flimsy and wouldn't hold shape like that, and would they still be using it on a hi tech place like this? Even so, it would point down so water didn't go into it.
2:Usually the tubing ends at a vent on the wall, it just controls flow between a dryer and a vent.
Whatever you do with weathering, you should make like 2-3 panels. Right now they obviously tile, but if you randomly mix up 3 it wouldn't be noticeable.
I also don't see the paint taking much wear. It might be dirty, but nothing is rubbing against an apartment, so why would edges be chipped/worn?