This is an alpha demo of our game Contrivance. Made as an examination project for college. We are all 2nd years students Digital Arts and Entertainment at HOWEST Kortrijk in Belgium. We created this UDK project in about 5 weeks (2 weeks planning our project and the gameplay, and 3 weeks programming/modeling/texturing/etc.). Everything you see is custom made. We modeled, rigged, animated, textured everything you see. We also programmed a lot of things our selves. We have custom controls, camera, physics adjustments, GUI, etc.
Please notice that this is a game in alpha stage. We are showing our game mechanics, art style, etc.. We will probably continue working on this project in our spare time after we received some more feedback from the community! We'll also release a playable demo in the future, but at the moment we can not do this due to several reasons.
I hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! C&C always welcome off course.
Short introduction:
"You are S.A.M. One of the first Self Assimilating Mechanoids; designed to aid mechanics. After being wrongfully abandoned in a steel recyclling factory, you'll have to use all your skills and wit to find your way out!"
GAMEPLAY VIDEO: [ame=]Contrivance Demo HD - YouTube[/ame]