Been lurking in the Digital Sketchbooks area for a while now, (and loving lots of threads!!--whether you know I'm looking or not ) and finally decided it about time to make my own! Hoping it will help motivate me to get some more different art stuff done.
you have some really nice forms in your drawings here. The first drawing in the second row, the figure to the right is awesome, the curve in the female back you get is stellar. You have some really nice spots and some spots that need another look over anatomy wise, like some of the legs to upper body proportions. Keep em going man : )
Thanks a lot gillmeister74! Yeah, I definitely know some have weird anatomy and proportions. I don't always get it right in my 2 & 5 minute sketches, but I didn't want to be too selective and just posted a whole bunch, good and bad. Glad you're digging some of 'em!
Something else to throw in for today -
I did the pencil drawing for this way back when, in my second year of a College for a layout assignment. Recently, a friend requested a colour version as a present, and lo, the result!:
Also working on my latest animaiton, but I'm still not sure if I'm satisfied with the camera movements.
I have one where the camera remains static:
[ame=""]Robot Scene (Render Test 02) - YouTube[/ame]
And this one, where it's moving around some:
[ame=""]Robot Scene (Lighting Test 09) - YouTube[/ame]
Still making a decision before I finish putting my demo reel together. :P
I'd recommend you lose the 2D walk cycle in the show reel there, your dragon stands much better on its own. Other than that that's some nifty bit of animation going on there - good stuff
Stoop_Kid - Glad you thought it was funny, and thanks!
Naugat - Thanks for the recommendation! I'm not gonna tinker with the version I have now anymore, but I'll probably lose it for the next updated version I do. Happy to hear you liked the rest!
Finally finished up an acrylic painting that I've been meaning to get to for a while. It's done and gone on to a friend now, but not before I got a picture of it:
Acrylic on Canvas, "Black Sand Beach" --Painted based on a photo I took from my vacation to Iceland.
One more addition from tonight:
Keep it up!
Something else to throw in for today -
I did the pencil drawing for this way back when, in my second year of a College for a layout assignment. Recently, a friend requested a colour version as a present, and lo, the result!:
I'm going to be putting together a demo reel to apply to studios soon, so I'm prettying up some of my completed animations.
Here's what I got so far, rendered with camera and lighting:
Also working on my latest animaiton, but I'm still not sure if I'm satisfied with the camera movements.
I have one where the camera remains static:
And this one, where it's moving around some:
Still making a decision before I finish putting my demo reel together. :P
Here's a few 5-minute ones:
Apologies for the crappy photo renders I got of them! (Too big a sketchbook for the scanner
Showing off my latest animations:
Figure drawings are looking nifty too, nice curves and dynamic poses.
Cexar - Glad you liked!
njc6425 - Thanks!!
Stoop_Kid - Glad you thought it was funny, and thanks!
Naugat - Thanks for the recommendation! I'm not gonna tinker with the version I have now anymore, but I'll probably lose it for the next updated version I do. Happy to hear you liked the rest!
Been doing some more figure drawing at
2 Minute gestures:
5+ minutes gestures:
(Once again, sorry for the bad picture quality!)
Thanks for looking
Finally finished up an acrylic painting that I've been meaning to get to for a while. It's done and gone on to a friend now, but not before I got a picture of it:
Acrylic on Canvas, "Black Sand Beach" --Painted based on a photo I took from my vacation to Iceland.