Hi, my name is Given Borthwick, and I am an artist from Seattle. Over the past few weeks, I have been learning how to use UDK, so as a learning project I am building a cartoon island environment. The idea is to use low poly models with semi low-res textures, but counter the look with photo-realistic sky and water effects, giving it more of a crysis meets TF2 look then a bf heroes look. All textures are hand painted, and all work is original except the sky and the water shader (Water is placeholder for now as I am going to make my own):poly121:
As you can see, the water is not quite crysis like, but i intend to make my own shader with real-time reflections. Does anyone know of a good shader tut for UDK?
Cartoon Island is a based on comic as a same name. It has excellent graphics and video quality. Its game play is not too tough but it is very enjoyable and easy.
modified the terrain and arranged the building how they will be in the final