I am making a character created by Quinn Simoes, a concept asrtist/friend form Ironclad games.
The concept is from one of the challenges of the week on conceptart.org, here is the breif the concept artists got for it:
"Every Queen has her court, and every court has it's courtiers - men and women of the upper class who make up the Queen's close social circle - and also harbour some of her worst enemies.
This week's round is very straight forward - design a courtier character."
I am thinking of having her in her simple environment from the concept hiding a knife behind her back and looking devious. Comments and suggestions on this are welcomed!
As far as myself, I am a 3D Modeling student making my demo reel peices for July 2012. Here is my link:
I will post my progress on this peice and fix any suggestions made by the people here.
For now here is a WIP pic of my blockout, I am not sure what to do with her back, any suggestions would be great!

Jessica: Yeah Quinn is great at what he does! I hope I can do it justice! Thank you!
I plan to render in marmoset
Critiques welcomed
I have just finished my basic textures, I want to add a lot more jewelry and emblems to her. I also plan on putting embroidery in the bottom of her skirt and having some gold pins at the bottom.
I'll keep working on her in my spare time, I'll post updates when I can aswell. Any feedback is great, I specifically need help with making lowpoly chains for jewelry.
Here is a quick turn around: