Hey everyone, pretty excited for this one. I have never seen something through to the end, let alone a scene in UDK. I however need this for my art exam, so I will be posting my progress, to get help from (hopefully) everyone here who has something to critique. I drew up a very crappy concept in my sketchpad, I don't have a scanner currently hooked up, so I unfortunately cannot post it right now.
Anyways, my scene is going to be a old fort ruin type place buried into a rock wall, with a porch type thing out front , stairs leading down, and rock brick walls leading down a path lit with torches or some type of lighting.
I am going for a tropical deserted island feel here with maybe sandstone/redrock for the rock walls, and regular stone (grey/greens) for the fort walls. Also I will be using dead grass foliage, and hopefully get some palm trees, and other minor peops.
Here is my blockout so far with normals, and ambient occlusion maps.

Basically where I am at is. Modelling the brick walls (ledges) that will line the pathway towards the fort, and fill in those gaps between the ground, and porch plane.
Model the palm trees, and some ground plants, and other little rocks to fill it in.
Find a colour palette that will compliment over other colour in the environment I hope to achieve.
Then, anything else someone wants to tear apart, and tell me to do differently.
Thanks for looking, and c&c is highly welcome, and anticipated.
Maybe this will draw some people in here, really hoping for people to help me make this scene as best as it can be.
Ya, I didn't notice that seam until you pointed it out, thankyou ! I was thinking about doing another brick wall similar, but with a different brick pattern to break up the repetition, right now that is only one model duplicated to make those walls.
As for the rest, it looks alright but there still isn't much to crit at this point.
Thanks for the reply, and critique.
hope some of these help, but always have some sort of reference out, it's easier to see detail in pictures rather than memory
Just to add to ZFerguson's links PhillipK also has an epic tutorial!
/bookmarks for safekeeping.
So here I am sitting with this. I am certainly not done with it, I need to make a few more rock variations , maybe a new tree, and a few more plants. I have tweaked the Post Processing effects, went in blind firing. I wasn't really to sure on what anything did, so I have something some what nice. I also added in a layer fog, that is why the door is slightly blurred, I need to fix this.
Alright, so I am looking for feedback on now how to really push this scene to as realistic as possible. Hopefully that doesn't mean redoing everything lol.
Also, I almost forgot, the rocks.. I redid them for about 3 hours, different approaches, everything. I could not come up with anything that looked better, so I just stuck with a new model I did, but not much better. My exam is due Monday, and I don't feel I have the time to get the rocks down, however I am planning on really ripping this scene apart after exams, and put more time into the models.
Once again, C&C is always welcome, and anticipated.
Also, this is due tomorrow, anybody got some critique for me
Thanks again for the replies guys!