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[Artdump] We have positive ID on Batman. He is kicking all kinds of ass down there.

polycounter lvl 17
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Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
Generally I did polish passes, optimizations, built extra areas (riddler stuff, secrets, new layouts/paths etc) and set up kismet. I built some assets (modified a bunch) but most was reused. I've tried taking some shots of areas I've spent considerable amounts of time on.

Go to my portfolio for the full shebang with more info about the areas and such with a more thorough description.

MULTIPLE ARTISTS WORKED ON THESE LEVELS Generally the effect artists and our lighting artist went over majority of the locations and polished them up. Credit should go to the whole rocksteady team for making such a great high quality product!

http://www.youtube.com/user/Sholva?feature=mhee (there's 7 videos all in all).

In the trophy room I added the map and figures aswell as altered an old gate mesh to become the ones you see crashing down and other small tweaks.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yx7pQj2WTAA&feature=related"]Portfolio: Batman Arkham City - Trophy room. - YouTube[/ame]

Room and machine look was up to me (got feedback of course). Heavy reuse and modifications of assets throughout. I set up a ton of the kismet and animations on the stuff that moves (not characters). Alot of code magic was involved in hooking all of these things up. I worked alot together with the coder to pull this off.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzWW902Yy38&feature=related"]Portfolio: Batman Arkham City - Grundy boss battle. - YouTube[/ame]

Did a polish pass to add more visceral feel. Weapons, blood, broken fence and skeletons and such. Majority of other work by artist Glen s.

Various challenge maps I did alot of work on. Basically started from scratch and reused assets from the main game. The train level saw alot of tweaked and altered meshes due to the way the map works.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWTUhq8hdLo&list=UUeqXQBDxAp8HDXa9RhjSRyw&index=3&feature=plcp"]Portfolio: Batman Arkham City - Joker's Carnival. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY9cROCQcds&list=UUeqXQBDxAp8HDXa9RhjSRyw&index=1&feature=plcp"]Portfolio: Batman Arkham City - Freight Train. - YouTube[/ame]

Multiple people worked on this. I did quite a bit of polish in here aswell as the broken bridge and floor (this is when you come back to the boss fight later on in the game). Glen Saberton did the undestroyed bridge I think. Mert also did his fair share of post process tweaks.

Majority of work by Paul J. I then later took it over and did polish passes on it (added riddler areas, and changed some layouts and small tweaks etc). I also took over the bug fixing and optimizations aswell.

Death trap room designed by Design. Dressed up by me.


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