Hi Pc, i'm in desperate need of a similar technique to get a functional and easy "path deform deformer" like in 3dsmax in Maya.
Everything i've tested is pretty ugly and / or kind of innacurate.
I need to be able to deform a mesh with a curve : have tried bend, latice and flow path... But with no result. Maybe it's from me, i don't really know how theses tools work.
Some help would be awesome ^^
regarding deformation by curves...
However, if you did not have enough experience to create a wire deform setup whose curve input history was driven with the plane's input or an edge extrude node's history connections...
Then the easiast way to accomplish a simialr result with equal editable advantage would be to use an edge extrude's curve option, For less setup hassle choose the "GENERATED" setting in the Extrude options.
Even after the edge extrude is applied...
You still can interactively mmb drag all the extrude options like taper, twist and divisions.
Do not lengthen the extrude with the history manipulator or with any of the extrude's thickness options! Edit the length with by pulling out the curve's CV's instead. ( to keep a 1 to 1 relationship )
Shape the curve to shape your extrude's path.
If that path needs more complexity then the amount of curve points allow for...
Right click on the curve and choose "Curve Point".
Dragging along the surface of the extrude will allow you to preview placement of that curve point.
When you are happy with the positioning of that point, apply the actual point by choosing: ( Edit Curves > Insert Knot ) from the "SURFACES" menu set.
Now when you right click on the curve and choose "Control Vertex", you will have access to the added CV. Allowing you to edit your shape in this way with as much resolution as needed.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2ng8fFBW7Q"]Working with Maya's Wire Deformer - YouTube[/ame]
If you want a tool that will set up a wire deformer like in that DT example based on existing edges...
But with one click! ( fall off of deformation by choosing a component whose distance from original selection designates desired fall off distance )
The following tool that was built before Maya had soft selections to give Mirai Magnet functionality in Maya, will do just that.
( written back in 2001, but still seems to work )
Latice is not perfect and acurate as i would like.
The real problem for me now is how to make a complexe bend using an existing curve easily ? Fade1 answer me with the Motion path and flowpath, wich look like to fit to my problem but I don't have enough experience in maya to use it properly.
Anyway, i'll try it further ^^
Thanks o/
path deform is a world space deformation based on a spline curve - it has spinners for stretching and position of the object along a curve - ie. good for making quick fishy swimming animations
kind of like a lattice deformer i guess only based on a curve