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zBrush Cloth Wrap Tutorial

polycounter lvl 13
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jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
Hey everyone, someone from the community requested I make them a tutorial, so here it is. It's my first time making one, so any C&C on it would be great.

This is a simple walk through on how I make tape and fabric wraps in zBrush, hopefully this can help someone :)

http://jordankocon.carbonmade.com/projects/4113716 <
full res



  • OniLolz
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    OniLolz polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, that's what I was waiting :) Thank you very much!
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    very helpful, got any more? :P
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    OniLolz: No problem :) Glad it helps!

    CandyStripes05: Thanks. Unfortunately I don't, as I said this was my first one. Though having recently finished school and getting a job (mainly thanks to polycount) my new years resolution was to give back to the community as much as possible, so I'll take requests :D
  • Digital_3d
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    Digital_3d polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah It's really helpful.
    Thanks mate.
  • OpethRockr55
    I'm sorry, but this tutorial makes no sense.

    Everything seems okay until you get to step 5, which is where things start to go awry. Out of context of step 6, it'd seem like a reasonable way to go, but once you say you have to Extract that mask, that's where I get confused.

    Extraction in ZBrush pulls or pushes a shell of the masked polygons and makes a new Subtool out of them, and does NOTHING with the unmasked ones. Therefore, that strip you don't have masked doesn't exist after you extract. It's a hole in the extracted mesh.

    Put simply, I can't see how you could even come close to your final result using Extract without merging the new extracted subtool to your original subtool and reextracting only the masked strip.

    Are you sure you didn't confuse Extract with Inflate in the Deformation panel?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Also why does it tell, that only the strap will be pulled if its clear to see that inverting your mask made everything BUT the strip thicker?
  • mdbn3d
    Amazing! This will really come in handy! Thanks! =D
  • SinisterChef
    I don't know much about z-brush, but I know that the second part about tiling textures at the end there that isn't the proper way to tile textures in Maya, mate. When you choice a file to use as a texture Maya creates a place2dTexture1 node attached to the file1 node in hypershade. In the place2dTexture1 there are Repeat UV input boxes, one for the U and the other for the V. It is here where you can tell Maya to repeat this texture 3 times (or how ever many times you want) in the U and the V direction.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    OpethRock55: They changed the extract function in zBrush, in the older version this method worked as described. I guess instead of using extract, you could use the inflat tool under deformation now. But at the time of this tutorial extract worked as stated.

    Neox: That was kind of an error on my part I guess, the strap there is actually shrinking inwards, I just wanted to show that something was clearly moving.

    mdbn3d: Thanks, I'm glad it helped :)

    SinisterChef: I'm guessing this is for the other tutorial? The tutorial is correct, it's how I do all my tiling textures. Perhaps I didn't describe it the best, but the method definitely works.

    Both these tutorials are fairly rough, and the zBrush one is clearly already outdated :(
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